Op-Ed 2

Man-hating, unhappy, husbandless, lesbian, ugly, angry—feminists. The misconceptions about feminism are boundless, including the stereotype that only women can be feminists. It is this rhetoric towards feminism that blinds people from seeing the true purpose and meaning: “a man or a woman who says yes there is a problem with gender as it is today, … Read more

Is there gender discrimination in a women-only club?

Last year The Wing-a social club whose members are only women- opened its doors in Manhattan. This club was conceived as a safe space for women to work, network, nosh, primp and talk politics. Now, the New York City Commission on Human Rights started an investigation against the club for possible discrimination violations. The arguments of the commission … Read more

How Hollywood views Washington Women

https://videos.posttv.com/washpost-production/The_Washington_Post/20161021/580a0a32e4b0229dd7a2257e/580e7f13e4b037a240c7d474_1439412153584-wn5qra_t_1477345065079_640_360_600.mp4 This video from Washington Post illustrates how trough the media the role of the women has been stereotyped in different ways. In this case the reflexion is how although some productions of Hollywood or tv series recognize that women can get positions of power in politics, their characters have to face challenges that men … Read more

Pitt County Could Be On It’s Way to Elect It’s First African American and It’s First Female Sheriff in the Same Election

But not without racism rearing it’s ugly head, of course.   Major Paula Stokes Dance has announced that she is running for the Pitt County Sheriff’s position, which will be left open, as our current Sheriff, Neil Elks has announced that he will not be seeking re-election. There are other candidates in the race, so … Read more

Double Standards and Double Burdens

This article lays out the ways in which women take on more debt in college and in turn, take an additional 2 years on average to pay off student loan debt. The factors listed include: There is $1.5 trillion worth of student debt in America, women make up two-thirds of that debt Female students take … Read more

Op Ed The Motherhood Penalty

This article, for me, touched on two important things. One is the obvious gender inequity for single mothers in the workforce. The other is the ability of Sociology to tackle the complexities of society and help us advance the important conversations of our time with empirical data. I’ll start with the latter. As I am … Read more

The Motherhood Penalty (My Substantive)

http://gender.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/motherhoodpenalty.pdf   Attached is a link to a research study published in 2007 in the American Journal of Sociology. The study looks at some already established data about the inequities women face in the workplace and seeks to nail down a why. Previous data has already established that women are statistically paid less than men … Read more

Ivanka Trump trying to cover up president Trump’s misogyny..

I found this article particularly interesting that a woman of high standing to cover up and claim that her own father is a feminist. I found that a little laughable that should could state that even though it is of her father. For the man that claimed “grabbing pussies” was okay; that even though he … Read more

“Inspiring Women”: Mattel’s Release of New Barbies

Mattel has announce the release of three new Barbies available for purchase as a part of their series “Inspiring Women.” These new dolls are created to look like Amelia Earhart, Frida Kahlo, and Katherine Johnson. The anticipated release of these dolls is beneficial because it continues to recognize the accomplishments of women as well as … Read more

“Bro-Culture” at Google

A company perceived by many as “progressive” is now receiving backlash after neglecting to follow through on sexual harassment complaints made by their female software engineer.  Her complaints include having male coworkers spike her drink with alcohol, shoot her with nerf guns, send her sexually suggestive texts and one having slapped her in the face. … Read more