Problems (and some solutions) for same-sex parents/couples

Hey everyone, I found an article that addresses some of the legal obstacles same-sex parents have to overcome resulting from a lack of federal recognition as a “real” married couple.  The article identifies Kay and Amanda Shelton, who for all intents and purposes, are a married couple with two children.  They live together, they divide … Read more

Abercrombie and Fitch marketing padded tops to young girls

Abercrombie and Fitch has started making padded bikinis for young children. I pose the question how young is too young? Critics are saying that these swimsuits are “pushing the kids to grow up early” and negatively attacking A&F for this new clothing line. It is my belief that this is just another sign that society is … Read more

Cultural Effects on Women’s Education, Autonomy and Fertility

–Melanie Hamilton  Unequal access to education has been an important women’s rights issue in many countries around the world.  The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development concluded that the most important way to improve health is the education of girls and women.  Increasing women’s education is also said to be a major contributor to … Read more

Women Fight to Maintain Their Role in the Building of a New Egypt

The majority of the protesters in Egypt’s revolution were women working along with men in an effort to change the countries political views. Now that the Prime Minister has decided to step down activist state the challenge will be to make sure women maintain their involvement as the nation progresses forward. The World Economic Forum … Read more

Women Seeking Abortions in South Dakota to Get Ant-Abortion Advice

This article is about how South Dakota has passes a law requiring women who want an abortion to partake in counsling appointment, to basically inform her about not having an abortion.  The law mandates that the people giving the counsling sessions say certain things, that pro-choice advocates say is pressuring women to not get an … Read more

Targeting Sex Trafficking by Attacking Male Demand

Op-Ed: Targeting Sex Trafficking through Attacking Male Demand Laura Johnson Sex trafficking, or modern-day human slavery, is a complex global problem that is often addressed through policies and programs that focus on the supply; namely, the female victims and their traffickers. While these efforts are commendable, the men who purchase sex are glaringly absent, rendered … Read more

“Limits on Birth Control Pills May be Costly”

In what I’m sure will be shocking news to all, decreasing ease-of-access to contraceptives for women increases un-wanted pregnancies, and ipso facto leads to more abortions. Though this study only draws a strong correlation, and isn’t without faults, it still shocks me that such data might come as a surprise to anyone. Also of interest … Read more