Homosexuals are more than their sexuality

Hey everyone, I found an article written by a homosexual philosophy professor addressing the separation of gay identity and gay sexual behavior.  He points out that homosexuals are often identified by others solely by their sexual interaction with each other, rather than with intimacy, “movie dates,” and the like.  He points out that non-homosexuals tend … Read more

College Education Equips Women to Earn More

There is a lot of debate over the value of a college education. Apart from the intellectual value, recent studies indicate that women in particular, benefit financially over the long haul from a college degree. In a recent op-ed, Laura D. Tyson writes, “The dramatic increase in college education among women is one major reason … Read more

Open the Gates!

Open the Gates!             The idea that Islamic law in the Ottoman Empire remained static is a popular misconception.  Complex situations arose that had not been addressed which required the application of Islamic doctrines.  The so-called “gate of ijtihad” remained ajar long after the ninth century.[1]  From the rulings of Islamic judges emerge two prominent … Read more

Interview with four women involved in challenging sex trafficking

http://www.jstor.org/pss/4030704 “Trafficking and women’s human rights in a globalised world: An interview by Pamela Shifman” In revising my paper for class I came across this really interesting short interview that features four women who are fighting international trafficking in women. These women represent India, Nigeria, Italy, the Philippines and Belgium, giving a truly international perspective … Read more

Central African Republic training traditional healers in AIDS/HIV care

http://www.plusnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportID=31431 The Central African Republic is one of the most severely HIV/AIDS affected countries in the world. Recently, doctors have been training traditional CAR healers to combat opportunistic diseases such as HIV/AIDS. The UN Development Programme has given funds to CAR in order to help them train more healers throughout the country.

Summer Reading…

I know its Spring Break next week, but lets be honest who has time right now for a pleasure read? These are some suggestions from NPR: http://www.npr.org/2011/03/02/133476730/three-gutsy-heroines-to-celebrate-womens-history?sc=fb&cc=fp Any more suggestions of strong Heroine Books that you should not live without? Two of my all time favorites that I can read over and over again are … Read more

Humanitarians in the Arts: Michael Angelo, The Lipstick Portraits

From: Humanitarians in the Arts: Michael Angelo, “The Lipstick Portraits”. If you ventured over to the Highline last May, you would have been impressed by the beautiful photography of entrepreneur and hair and make-up artist Michael Angelo.  The Lipstick Portraits at 401 Projects featured 60 photographs of a men and women wearing bold red lipstick as … Read more

Shift in Marriage Ideal Does Not Equal Shift from Traditional Gendered Ones

http://www.thedaily.com/page/2011/02/26/022611-opinions-column-parents-valenti-1-2/ Feminist author Jessica Valenti discusses how the American woman is still being subjected to a unequal division of labor in the home – after the birth of a child. She cites how in recent years, American couples are increasingly marrying for “love” as opposed to “traditional reasons” and may have egalitarian marriages, until they … Read more

Secular argument against gay marriage

Hey everyone, I’ve heard several positions from the religious community regarding opposition to gay marriage.  I’ve heard that “marriage is supposed to be between a man and a women,” “God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,” “it’s just unnatural,” etc.  However, I haven’t really heard much secular arguments on the issue, and I … Read more