A Third Welcome

I too welcome students from my classes, WOST 6100 and ANTH 5202, Women’s Global Health and Human Rights. I encourage all of my students to post reviews of books/articles and comments with links and for students in all of our classes to engage one another in debate. Thanks. Holly Mathews

Second Welcome

Students should feel free to add both review length (reaction paper) op-ed pieces as posts, with links to relevant articles (or citations); or they may comment on the work of others using the comment function.  I second Dr. Pearce’s welcome.  Engage, react, and debate!


Welcome to our new blog, created January 2011, on gender, rights, culture, politics, and activism across the globe. We are giving partcular attention to the issues and voices of transitional societies, conflict and post-conflict societies, and the global south. Please join us.