Male Sexual Violence Statistics

In class today, we talked about how sexual violence against men in war and it made me want to do more digging sexual violence against men in general. Here are some statistics as of Jan 2021. Approximately 16% of males in juvenile prison have been sexually abused In Florida alone, a staggering total of 1,477,000 … Read more

Black Femicide in the United States

Article Link: This article discusses the issue of Black women and girls being killed at an increasing rate in the United States. It was noted that according to statistics released by the FBI, that approximately four black women and girls are murdered each day in the United States. It was also reported that there … Read more

Blog Entry Monday oct 25th

The article I choose for this blog is This article talks about the rise in gender based violence issues for women , since covid 19 has swept the nation and continues to thrive. They refer to the issue as a a “shadow pandemic.” AS a way to refer to this issue as being a … Read more

The harassment women face in the gaming

Society has always had problem with its mistreatment of women. And this problem is especially exemplified in spaces that are primarily seen as male dominated. Gaming is one such male dominated space where women are constantly being abused fro no other reason than the fact that they are female. This article that I’ve found states … Read more

Blog Post 10/25/21

Dr. Pearce invited us to share articles that touched on the topics that we chose for our final paper, so the article that I will be discussing today relates to sexual abuse within the Catholic church. In June of this year, it was announced that from 1950 to the present day, French Catholic Clergymen had … Read more

Project to Bring Healing from Sexual Assault Behind Bars

This article titled “Project to Bring Healing from Sexual Assault Behind Bars” celebrates the four year anniversary of the #MeTooMovement. A group called Just Detention International, created a “Prisoners Too” program last year with incarcerated people in South Carolina. The women created butterfly murals to talk about their sexual assault traumas. The Just Detention group … Read more

Human Trafficking

This article talks about human trafficking and social media. This article goes into depth about how social media makes it easier to find victims. This article also talks about how it is more likely for younger individuals to be trafficked because they are on social media way more. This article goes more in depth about … Read more

SOCI 3000 (10/24/2021)

The article that sparked my interest, mainly because it seems like a potential topic for my final paper, is dealing with sexual harassment in academia, specifically looking at professors who are not held accountable for past sexual misconduct. It is titled “Ending “Pass the Harasser” in Higher Education” ( In this article, it talks about … Read more