The Death of Miya Marcano

Miya Marcano was a 19-year old college student who attended Valencia College. Tragically, Miya was murdered by a maintenance worker where she lived and also worked, at least police are pretty sure the culprit was Armando Caballero. Armando was a lot older than the victim. Police know now that he used a universal access key … Read more

What is social media doing to teens? From my personal experience of growing up in the time that social media really took off, I can say without a doubt that it has played a significant role in my levels of self-esteem and anxiety. This article presented a survey conducted which asked teenagers and young adults how different social media platforms such … Read more

Shouldnt Misogyny Be Considered A Hate Crime

in light of an event that has taken place in the UK involving the abduction and murder of a woman named Sarah Everard by the hands of a police officer in London which re-sparked inquiries about how the courts handle these cases of gender-based crimes. activists called for lawmakers to expand the definition of hate … Read more

Emily Ratajkowski Sexually Assaulted on Set of Blurred Lines Music Video The song Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke was released in 2013. The song includes lines such as “I hate these blurred lines, I know you want it” which clearly addresses consent or in this case, the lack of it. In the music video, Robin Thicke is shown interacting with the main female model Emily Ratajkowski. … Read more

Women’s rise in political positions

Despite the rough and difficult time that women have had in politics they have persevered and for their determination to face the odds and against the unfair system they’ve been placed in. Women are serving in more government positions than ever and are making waves in the political landscape. According to the article I’ve chosen … Read more

Photoshopping: Who are they trying to cater to in the pictures? In class on last Wednesday, we spoke about the trailer “Killing Me Softly” by Jean Kilbourne, in which she highlighted the fact of photoshop and enhancements that sponsors and businesses have made to celebrities to “catch the eye” to make the consumer think the product is what is actually helping them, which in fact … Read more

Blog Entry Oct 11th

An article that stood out to me was, No Justice No Freedom: Medical Abuse in Private Prisons. Across the country there is Immigration Detention. [ninja_form id=]Immigration Detention holds immigrants with suspected violations of Visas , or in general is the term used for holding illegal immigrants. In these Immigration Detention Centers across the country, … Read more

The UK’s New Plan to Protect Women

Violence against women is nothing new, and happens all across the globe. Sarah Everard is a young woman who lost her life due to this violence. Her murder has led to the public lack of trust in law enforcement. The government has come up with a new strategy to help protect women, but their plan … Read more