Gender Based Violence In Schools After Pandemic

Gender based violence has always been an issue in schools, but after the pandemic it increased tremendously, specifically for females. According to the article, A Whole School Approach to Preventing And responding to SRGBV, school related gender based violence includes “sexual, physical, psychological and economic violence occurring in and around schools as a result of gender norms … Read more

Gender Based Violence on College Campuses

Sexual Assault on college campuses is not a new topic for many undergraduate students to hear about. Going into college you were always told to be careful and look out for yourself and your friends because of what can happen in college. Studies show that among many undergraduate students, 26.4% of females and 6.8% of males … Read more

Sexual Assault on College Campus

On a daily basis, a majority of people experience sexual harassment on college campuses. According to a survey (AAU 2019) there is a 13% rate of sexual contact at colleges that did not allow consent. Women are affected terribly by this, due to it being a higher number of women assaulted than men on campus. The … Read more

Blog Entry 1 Soci 3000

The article I chose was This article is called “As we Leave Afghanistan, Don’t Abandon Women and Girls.” I chose this article because it is relevant to recent topics that we discussed in class, and to what is currently going on in our world (the taliban take over). Afghanistan women have always been marginalized … Read more


                                        Texas brings protection for employee sexual harassment. On September 1st Governor Abbot signed the Senate Bill 45 and House Bill. 21 which expanded sexual harassment protection for employees in Texas. Under Senate Bill 45 every employer may be held liable for sexual harassment claims under the Texas Labor Code. This new law considers … Read more

How Student Loan Debt Affects Women

Link to article: In a recent survey depicting the status and debts of women, The American Association of University Women (AAUW) discovered that the 2021 update is not much different than before. Out of the 1.7 trillion dollars of student loan debt in the country, women owe approximately two-thirds. Additionally, Black women have roughly 20% more … Read more

Prince Andrew Alleged Sexual Assault Case

Brianna Bright     Prince Andrew, Duke of York, age 61, was recently accused and is now being sued by Virginia Roberts Giuffre, for being an active participant in the many reported cases of sexual abuse done by Jeffery Epstein. On Monday, August 9th, 2021, Virginia Roberts Giuffre age 38, an alleged victim of sex … Read more

Sexual Assault at University of Nebraska

A 17 year old girl that attends the University of Nebraska was raped by a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity on the first night of classes. Once news of the rape spread throughout campus, students were outraged and began protesting. They stood outside of the Phi Gamma Delta house every night chanting “no means … Read more

SOCI 3000 09/11/2021

Link for article: For this assignment, I chose the article Violence against women, a major concern during the pandemic. This article talks about the increase of domestic violence at home during the pandemic and Filipino women being concerned with staying home with their abuser. The article breaks down the statistics of women experiencing this nationwide. … Read more