Kate Spade, fashion designer, found dead in apparent suicide

Article : https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/05/us/kate-spade-dead/index.html Most people have heard about the devastating news of fashion icon and highly successful entrepreneur committing suicide. Last Tuesday, Kate Spade was found by her housekeeper in her New York apartment. Kate Spade started her iconic handbag line in1993 and opened her first shop in New York City just 3 years later. CNN … Read more

Flight Attendant Termintated for Accusing Officer of Rape

http://www.foxnews.com/travel/2018/05/18/alaska-airlines-flight-attendant-accuses-first-officer-rape-sues-over-termination.html Opinion: This is whats wrong – woman fired for speaking up about getting raped. WHY?! To hush her up? To save the reputation of the airline? We are trying to make progress and move forward towards ending sexual assault and sexual violence. Why must people not comply? Who would condone their employee getting raped? … Read more

Former Disney Actress Reveals Sexual Abuse

https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2018/01/09/bella-thorne-lc-orig.cnn/video/playlists/sexual-harassment/ Opinion: This story really touches home because my younger sister grew up watching Bella Thorne on TV in our living room. I am glad that Bella Thorne stepped forward about what was happening to her. But it is truly so sad to hear about someone you watched on TV be sexually abused as a … Read more

Grandmother Charged with Child Endangerment

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/ A grandmother was charged with child endangerment when someone alerted authorities of seeing two children coming out of two pet kennels out the back of her vehicle. The grandmother claimed that there was no room in the vehicle and told her grandchildren to get into the kennel.   This is very inhumane and it … Read more

Being transgender is something a child and parent have to overcome. There are children realizing that they are transgender at an early age and more parents are becoming open to the transition. This article mentions a girl named Chazzie who was assigned a male at birth, but is transitioning to a girl. Despite the difficulties … Read more

Harvey Weinstein Pleads Not Guilty

https://www.bizjournals.com/bizwomen/news/latest-news/2018/06/harvey-weinstein-pleads-not-guilty.html   If you have been following the #Metoo movement, then you know that Harvey Weinstein were one of the first to be called out for sexual assault. Multiple women accused him of sexually assaulting them. After various court trials, Harvey Weinstein finally “turned himself in” to proceed the court. June 6th in Manhattan New … Read more

How the Mass Incarceration of Women of Color acts to continue the cycle of sexual violence.

The article uncovers the intersectionality of womanhood and blackness and the detrimental effects incarceration, the result of systemic racism, has on this doubly oppressed group. From high infant mortality rates to sexual abuse within the prison walls, the number of black women incarcerated has grown exponentially within the last two decades. Black women are twice … Read more

Russia 2018: LGBT members face ‘significant risk’ at World Cup

https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/08/football/uk-foreign-office-warns-of-russia-danger-ahead-of-world-cup/index.html   The article talks about the harsh realities of LGBT discrimination in Russia. There is barely any government interaction against crimes targeting LGBT individuals in Russia. Football players are warned about possible discrimination towards LGBT players and fans. The article reminds me of the lecture on Eastern Europe and the many countries who could … Read more

NYC Housing Authority Endangers more than 40,000 Residents

The Queensbridge Houses in Long Island City is one of the nation’s largest in the nation, housing more than 400,000 low income to middle income families. Recently the property manager find himself in hot water with the federal government for “systematic misconduct and indifference in the management of the city’s housing projects, endangering residents and … Read more