“Take this child”: Why women abandon their infants in Bangladesh

http://search.proquest.com/docview/232589162?pq-origsite=summon In this article the author discusses the reasons why women either abandon or kill their children in developing countries, especially Bangladesh. Through in-depth interviews and data analysis, Wilson (1999) not only provides statistics on infant abandonment but also finds the social pressures and emotional trauma women go through in developing countries after giving birth … Read more

“This has got to stop” Women game developers fight sexism in industry

http://www.seattletimes.com/pacific-nw-magazine/game-on-women-are-developing-new-video-games-and-a-new-culture/ Published on August 13, 2015, Zoe Quinn talks about her experience of on-line harassment after the GamerGate incident. At the end of a short relationship, Quinn’s partner released personal and intimate information about her in a blog which was quickly utilized by anonymous users to attack Quinn emotionally and professionally.   The article goes … Read more

“Ze” Instead of “He/She”, UT’s Office of Diversity & Inclusiveness Requests Use of Gender-Neutral Pronouns.

http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2015/sep/01/watson-thinks-senate-should-investigate-uts-gender-neutral-pronoun-ze-he-and-she/322959/ I found this article extremely interesting because it deals not only with gender identity but also with higher education and politics. The University of Tennessee’s Office of Diversity and Inclusiveness is under fire for requesting that students and faculty use “gender-neutral” pronouns such as “ze” rather than “he”/”she”. The pronouns were offered to help … Read more

Louisville Med School eQuality Program

https://news.vice.com/article/southern-ish-state-university-pilots-nations-first-lgbt-med-school-curriculum This article appeared on the Vice News webpage last month. It discusses the University of Louisville School of Medicine’s decision to adopt the nation’s first LGBT pilot program for med schools. The program is called “eQuality” and focuses on teaching students to treat lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender patients. There are certain health problems … Read more

Anti-Transgender Violence Grows Despite “Star Power” Op-Ed

ANTI-TRANSGENDER VIOLENCE By now we are all well aware of the transformation of Bruce Jenner into Caitlyn Jenner. If you’re like me your Facebook timeline, Instagram page, and Twitter feed has been inundated with her Vanity Fair layout as well as various captions (both negative and positive) directed towards not only her process of transformation … Read more

Acquaintance Rape

ACQUAINTANCE RAPE Acquaintance rape or date rape (as it is also related to) is a sexual assault or rape by someone who the victim knows. Acquaintances can include persons related to the victim, a workmate, classmate, religious leader-virtually anyone who is already known by the victim. Acquaintance rape is used interchangeably with date rape because … Read more

Rape Culture Wikipedia Entry

Rape culture Rape culture is used to describe a society that tolerates sexual assault and violence against women. Rape culture is a relatively new term that expresses how our culture perpetuates rape in different parts of our lives. According to Susan J. Douglas (2015), rape culture is more than just our values. It is the … Read more

Op-Ed: Substance Abuse and Violence Against Women

Substance abuse is a worldwide problem that many people are struggling with every single day. Not only does this affect their daily lives, but it also affects who they are as a person. Although there may be people who take drugs just for the “fun” of it, many people take them because it provides them … Read more

Dating Violence for LGBT Teens Op-Ed

http://www.urban.org/research/publication/dating-violence-experiences-lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-transgender-youth/view/full_report According to this article, LGBT teens are at a greater risk to experience all types of dating violence. The goal of this study was to compare dating violence experiences of LGBT teens with experiences of heterosexual teens. The types of experiences being compared were physical, psychological, sexual, and cyber dating abuse. The study also … Read more

Op-Ed: Femicides and Gender-Based Violence in Central America

All over the world femicides are occurring and gender based violence is constantly being shown through the news, social media, and by word of mouth every day! Femicide is the killing of women for cultural or gender based reasons, it ties closely with hate crime and sexism. Today, violence against women and young girls is … Read more