“Why Domestic Violence Prevention Programs Don’t Work”

http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/nfl-controversy/why-domestic-violence-prevention-programs-dont-work-n217346   The news article by NBC talks about how these Domestic Violence Prevention Programs do in fact change the way men look at woman, but it doesn’t change their abusive behavior. Domestic violence is built on sexism and the reason for the abuse is primarily social.The article goes on to say that 1/3 women … Read more

Obama on Race Relations

http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/22/politics/barack-obama-n-word-race-relations-marc-maron-interview/index.html The article that I chose was not directly related to domestic violence, but our discussion of race involving the Charleston shooting sparked my interest and that is what led me to this article. The article focuses on an interview that President Obama had with Marc Maron, in the interview the President focuses on the … Read more

Violence against women in Egypt

Over the years women in Egypt have been battling with violence in their homes and even in the streets. Many efforts to help end this problem have been made, but not much change has occurred. Egypt began to criminalize sexual harassment for the first time last year, but recent reports state that not much of … Read more

Women the new breadwinners

http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/03/24/female-breadwinners/2015559/ Not only does this article provide real life examples of a change in gender roles that have positively portrayed many women of the household as the new breadwinners, it also provides stimulating statistics about an increase in women or mothers working full time and the percentage of women who are top earners for their … Read more

College Freshman at High Risk for Rape

College Freshman at High Risk of Rape When entering college many girls do not think of the risk they could be under with experiencing the possibility of rape. A study was done at undisclosed college in the Northern United States. In this study 483 students were asked if they had been a victim of rape … Read more

Love Shouldn’t Hurt

creative project For my creative project I targeted the problem of domestic violence and the change that many individuals who are domestic violence victims may see in their spouse or partner. I try to convey the thoughts of a person who is in love with an individual, but they cannot find the person that they … Read more

Tribal Law on Domestic Violence Takes Effect

On March 7th of this year a new law went into place where Native American justice systems could prosecute non-Native prosecutors who commit domestic violence.   It has taken Congress more than 30 years to put this law into action. In 1978 there was a Supreme Court case that ruled that tribes could not prosecute non-Native … Read more

“Op-Ed” Piece: Sexual Assault Study within Study Abroad Program

So for my “Op-Ed” piece I found this really interesting study that answered some questions regarding sexual assaults and american students who study abroad. The researchers had several hypothesis before starting the actual study. Some things I thought of were how sexual assaults happening in other countries would compare to the United States and did … Read more