“They appear to have done nothing”: Facebook’s Inaction in the Face of Human Trafficking

Facebook is one of the world’s largest virtual communities and plays host to a wide array of services and people from across the world. This is, of course, a for-profit company focused on constant growth and two years ago in a leak from inside the company we learned at what cost they would pursue this … Read more

Weekly Post #2: Women in Afghanistan

The fight for women’s rights is an ongoing battle worldwide. No place in the world can boast of having accomplished gender equality. There are times when progress accomplished over many years has been undone in a matter of months. Such are the circumstances for women in Afghanistan whose rights have been diminished following the Taliban … Read more

Weekly post #3: Unfreedom in Afghanistan

In class, we read about the increased state of surveillance under Ben Ali in Tunisia, discussing how increased surveillance impacts individual freedom and could possibly be categorized as unfreedom (re: Parrenas’ Unfree). In this blog post, I’ll discuss the Taliban’s implementation of surveillance across Afghanistan. In 2021, the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan, ending a twenty-year … Read more

“Current Influence of Women in Government: Gender Inequity in Iraq” by Daisy Edmondson

Since 2003, the Iraq government has continuously promoted “anti-gender” campaigns, sentiments, and policies. The most recent evidence of this promotion is an official instruction that bans the use of the term “gender” in all public communications as well as recommends replacing the word “homosexuality” with “sexual deviance”. Iraqi feminist activists have been insulted in the … Read more

FIFA migrant workers still not getting paid

This article talks about how the migrant workers who still are stuck in Qatar and are still getting mistreated have no way of the situation improving. The workers are still waiting for their money, and some are stuck in Qatar to be able to get their benefits. Others lose out on their benefits because they … Read more

Weekly post #2: Economic Policy Institute’s Chartbook on Domestic Workers in the U.S.

Throughout reading Parrenas’ Unfree, it can be easy to “other” the domestic workers in the book, throwing cultural relativism to the side and using neoliberal ideals to make it a “them” problem. In reality, implementation of labor standards that provide a safe and stable work environment when it comes to job opportunities, pay, work hours, … Read more

Child Labor Laws + Photography: The discussion of exposing labor violations and keeping vulnerable populations private.

While reading the book UnFree, we have been engaging in conversations and discussions on labor laws and ethical environments for the workforce and how unregulated systems have continuously created unsafe spaces for domestic workers in the UAE. These conversations have had a historical past with the popular topic that is touched on in grade schools … Read more

Weekly Post #1: Philippine Job Agencies Accused of Exploiting Women

It has been reported in a recent Guardian article that Philippine job agencies have cheated women out of money and pushed them into crippling debt. The individuals who have fallen victim to these actions are women applying for work overseas, commonly domestic workers. The agencies charged these women large illegal fees, such as medical fees and training fees, … Read more