Creative Piece Final Project

For my creative piece, I decided to do something I usually wouldn’t do. Being that I’m not your typical “artsy person” I came up with creating this intersectionality tower. The placement of my words and pictures have no particular meaning (symbolizing that this is all interconnected) and I put an equal sign on top of … Read more

Creative Project For my creative project I chose to make a comic strip. The strip is not meant to be funny despite the title of “comic strip.” The conversation in the strip is not is not advanced but it gets the point across. I decided to use this form of creativity because I was able to … Read more

Creative Project

My project is a poem that I wrote, along with associated images. This addresses several different types of gender based violence. bright_creative

In Saudi Arabia, domestic violence fine gets laughs This article is a year old, but still extremely important in the fight against domestic violence worldwide. In 2014, the Saudi ministry of social affairs made the decision to “penalize men who beat up their wives, fining them 50,000 royals, or $10,000.” Men took to social media joking about the new law, some using … Read more

My Stealthy Freedom- Freedoms in Iran

This article by Johnny Harris is about Iranian journalist and advocate Masih Alinejad. Alinejad is the founder and moderator of the facebook group My Stealthy Freedom. With more than 800,000 followers the groups helps Iranian women from around the globe free themselves from strict government laws by removing their headscarves in public as quiet protest. The … Read more

Creative Final Project

I chose for my creative final project to create memes focused on spreading awareness of domestic violence. I feel like I have learned, through this course, just how important spreading awareness of domestic violence is and how vital educating people on what constitutes domestic violence is to preventing it. Like the second meme states, spreading … Read more

Acid Throwing

Why Acid Attacks On Women Are Still Happening, And What Must Be Done To Stop Them This is an article about acid throwing on Indian women, with a few stories from some of the women who were victims.  It starts with a story about a young woman whose husband threw acid on her for being … Read more

#PutTheNailInIt This article is about putting a nail in domestic violence.  A new campaign to help bring recognition to the fight to end domestic violence.  Many celebrities, including the 2015 Miss America are involved.  I like the idea of this campaign because it requires participants to literally put a nail in it by painting their … Read more

Sexual Violence in India

Crime rates against women have increased significantly in India “during a five-year period 9.2 percent in 2009 to 11.2 percent in 2013”. This article mentioned that rural areas tend to have a large number of unreported cases, but cities are more vulnerable to crimes against women. Most homes in India (particularly in rural areas) don’t … Read more

Angelina Jolie at the African Union Summit   This is a very short synopsis of what Angelina Jolie said as she attended the African Union Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa today. She called for an end to rape and the epidemic of violence against women worldwide.  She also called on women to be an integral part of the solution – working cooperatively … Read more