Philip Williams And Kathryn Knott, Philadelphia Gay Beating Case Defendants, Turn Themselves In So I thought this article I found on the Huffington Post was pretty interesting and having to do with our lectures on LGBT violence. It’s about two college students who just turned themselves in for assaulting a gay couple and causing them to have very serious injuries. It was interesting to me because we … Read more

Shocked by the Statistics

30 Shocking Domestic Violence Statistics That Remind Us It’s An Epidemic This article has listed out a lot of different facts about domestic violence with many different groups of people involved. The statistics listed include different races, ages, and sexual orientations. I found this article to have many very surprising facts in it including that … Read more

App challenging violence against women The article I choose was about a new phone app that women in Dharavi, India have been given.  The slum is home to approximately 300,000 to 1 million people, the slum is also home to a big number of domestic violence cases.  43.6% of which are committed by husbands and family members.  The phone … Read more

Tortured For Being Gay

Tortured For Being Gay I couldn’t find JUST the article so this page includes the petition but don’t anybody feel obligated! I received this email a few days ago and felt it was appropriate for this weeks discussions. So, Gambian dictator, Yahya Jammeh(who already has a bad reputation for torturing those he doesn’t like), is … Read more

Sexual Assault in the LGBT Community Did you know that April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month? Since we are looking at violence in the LGBT community this week, I thought it would be appropriate to make a post about what is happening in the LGBT community concerning sexual assault. Sexual violence in the LGBT community is often made invisible or … Read more

Military Rape: Have times changed? I have scoured the internet looking for information pertaining to the topic of military rape based on the lesson we discussed on Thursday. I have found this one which gives information to the injustices commonly done to those who bring light to their rape cases. When thinking about the topic we discussed this article … Read more

In Bangladesh, Grassroots Efforts to End Violence Against Women This article works to bring attention to the issue of widespread domestic violence towards women and girls throughout the country of Bangladesh. However, there is difficulty in eradicating this problem, due to the ingrained cultural norms that have been established. But, a campaign of non-profit organizations have teamed together to bring change to the … Read more

Laws Permitting Violence Against Women

Although we have all talked and learned a lot about violence against women since the beginning of class, this article was interesting to me because it has statistical information that I was unaware of. For example, marital rape is still permitted in some countries and violence against women costs the global economy an enormous amount … Read more

Women in photos won’t press charges in Penn state frat case

Women in photos won’t press charges in Penn state frat case This story is similar to a previous post about women reporting sexual violence. I think its very relevant especially given the recent stories in the News. In this case a Facebook page (of a now suspended fraternity) was discovered to contain nude photos of … Read more