Police Cruelty, Violence and Rape in Tunisia

I found this article interesting because these bold women reached out to the community about their experiences with the local police forces. Under multiple dictatorships, it took a lot to expose the truths behind their local law enforcement departments. Hamida Ajengui was 21 when she was arrested and taken to the department where she was … Read more

“SlutWalk” protest against sexual violence hits Jerusalem

I thought this article would be very relevant since we just read about slutwalks in our book “Some Men” In this recent article it talks about how hundreds of people gathered the streets of  Jerusalem in protest of the prevalence of sexual violence in Israel and around the world.   Just like in our book … Read more

Ending Impunity for Femicide in Latin America

http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/EndingImpunityLAC.aspx In this article, a Model Protocol has been launched to guide prosecutions and investigations of gender-based violence, or in this case murders of women in Latin America. The protocol was designed to help states to address the violence and justify their cases as well as aiming to ensure women live free from all violence … Read more

Why Don’t Women Report Their Attackers? This article is about a study that was done about the percentage of women who actually report their attackers. This study showed that only a small “seven percent of women worldwide report gender-based violence against them.” This article points out that in countries like India there have been many … Read more

Banning Gender-Based Violence in Nigeria

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stella-mukasa/banning-genderbased-viole_b_7293920.html Gender based violence is an issue that has been around for many years. This is a global problem that is raising attention in several areas around the world. According to Stella Mukasa, the assistant director of gender, violence and rights at the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), “Globally, 35 percent of women … Read more

Be AWARE! You can help!

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ariel-zwang/domestic-violence awarene_3_b_7424028.html BE AWARE: YOU CAN HELP! Do you want some good news? We have all read about numerous domestic violence incidents involving celebrities lately, and seen plenty on the news.  But, is anything helping?  Is the assistance that society offers to victims doing any good?  Apparently, yes.  According to Ariel Zwang, CEO of Safe … Read more

Courtney Williams: post on the arrest of Chicago Bears player Ray McDonald

http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Ray-McDonald-Arrested-Domestic-Violence-SJPD-Sources-304911011.html   The article I chose was about the arrest of Chicago Bears player Ray McDonald. In the article the arrest of McDonald for domestic violence is talked about. McDonald, who was released from the 49ers in December for another case of domestic violence, was just picked up not to long ago by the Bears … Read more

Art Against Gender Based Violence

http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2014/06/02/in-the-fight-against-gender-based-violence-one-picture-can-tell-a-million-stories On June 2nd, 2014 a group of artists gathered around to talk about how their work could advance the understanding and representation for victims of gender based violence. One of the main speakers, Stella Damasus, spoke on the matter that these artists have the power to speak out on subjects that are commonly taboo … Read more

Violence in Mexico

Sexual and gender-based violence is a growing issue in Mexico. Women are a main target to this growing problem and it is sad to say that 67% of women age 15 or older have experienced some type of violence and only 2% of crimes go punished by the judicial system. Being a Mexican American, my … Read more

Ending Violence Efforts

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ariel-zwang/domestic-violence-awarene_3_b_7424028.html Gender-based violence is a global issue that is continuously growing all over the world. From discussing these matters with my friends and family, I realized that not many people are even aware of the many incidents or the awareness programs that are forming from the ongoing violence. In this article, domestic violence is the main … Read more