Stand in Solidarity With the Women of Haiti The country of Haiti is an environment without adequate housing, police protection and the ability to petition the courts for justice; This a country with limited medical access. This is also a country that is plagued with the constant fear of sexual violence. Imagine being sexually assaulted and essentially having no where to turn. … Read more

UVA Rape Story Claimed Untrue: The Repercussions for Victims

Recently a story of rape on University of Virginia’s campus was published in Rolling Stones Magazine and later was discredited by the police. Many organizations fear that this will lead to even higher levels of unreported assaults on campuses because victims will feel that they too will be turned away. Included in the backlash of … Read more

Mattress Protest at Columbia University Continues Into Graduation

Columbia University student, Emma  Sulkowicz has been carrying her dorm room mattress around for months in protest to how the University handled her sexual assault case.  This protest was part of her art thesis project and one of her rules for the project was that she would carry the mattress anytime she was on campus … Read more

University of Oregon, Confidence and Confidentiality Lost So this article was really interesting to me and I think you all will find it interesting as well! It’s about a girl who attended the University of Oregon who was sexually assaulted on campus. The article didn’t get into the specifics about the case but it stated that she filed a lawsuit against … Read more

Gang Rape Film Banned in India

Why Is the Indian Government so Afraid of This Film? Check out this article I found about why India is so upset about this documentary. “India’s daughter is a documentary about the brutal gang rape of a 23-year old student Jyoti Singh on a moving bus in New Delhi, India’s capital, in 2012. The rape … Read more

Study shows healthcare providers ignore victims of gender-based violence This article is from The Times of India.  I chose it because it is very recent and because it reports on many of the issues that we talked about this week concerning “blaming the victim” for sexual assaults. The article states that victims of gender-based violence in India are being refused healthcare or receiving … Read more

Rape cultures on campus

College Policies Support Rape Cultures Take a look at this article, reflecting on an experience from the 1970s: How does her personal experience illuminate the many ways that rape culture may be tolerated or perpetuated on campus? See this point for an illustration of the point I made in our first lecture on taking a … Read more

No One Wants to Call Husband a Rapist

 By Regina Dooley  How would you feel if your best friend or sister told you that her husband raped her?  You would probably be outraged.  You would certainly encourage her to contact the police and you would definitely insist that she divorce her abusive spouse.  Do you think you would feel differently if your husband … Read more

Beauty and the Beast

  By Antionque Penny                 A lawyer was just waking up from anesthesia after surgery, and his wife was sitting by his side. His eyes fluttered open and he said, “You’re beautiful!” and then he fell asleep again. His wife had never heard him say that so she stayed by his side. A couple of … Read more

Limits on Abortion: The Issues Women Face in Iran

 by Jenna Raleigh  In the past few decades Iran has progressed immensely in the area of family planning. It has been said that Iran has, perhaps, the best family planning program world-wide. The program’s merits include making contraceptives free and readily available, requiring pre-marital counseling in order to be granted a marriage license, and has … Read more