Anorexia and Bulimia are Caucasian Western Diseases

by Mary Pettengill             An eating disorder occurs when an individual manipulates his or her eating habits to drastically change the appearance of the body, usually to fit the social norm or socially idealized body type of their culture.  In America we usually associate these concepts with anorexia and bulimia where the goal is to … Read more

Stop Telling Women To Smile

Here is a project that was started in Brooklyn that addresses street harassment.  I find it an interesting tactic in combating the problem and thought it was complimentary to what we discussed in class and the Snickers commercial from Australia. Amber

Sexual Harassment and the Geography of Fear

by Victoria Wagner      As my mom and I walk across the street, my eyes follow two men walking      down the same road to where we are headed. Maybe it is the fast pace of their walk,     the silence between them or the way they look as if they are on a mission … Read more

Female Circumcision versus Female Genital Mutilation

by Tamara Kovacs A little over a year ago, I had my most painful experience. After much thought and research, I decided to have the hood of my clitoris pierced. The entire process was quick, but those few seconds were extremely intense and painful. This is the closest I could relate to females that undergo … Read more

Free from the Sex Trade: A New Nightmare

By Megan D. Baillie             Imagine yourself as a victim of sex trafficking; you would likely feel vulnerable, powerless, and like you no longer had much to live for. Now, imagine yourself as a former victim of sex trafficking, who is now trying to assimilate to normal life. The initial freedom from sex work does … Read more

Media: Game of Thrones endorses pervasive rape culture.

What That Game of Thrones Scene Says About Rape Culture This link discusses how the most recent episode of Game of Thrones seems to endorse the US’s current rape culture. It also helps one understand how US media influences other industrialized countries toward such permissive concepts of domination and power over women. In my analysis of … Read more