Chien-Shiung Wu, The Focused Physician

Chien Shiung Wu was born in the Liuhe, Jiangsu province of China on May 29, 1912. She grew up in Taicang, China where her father was an advocate for girl’s education and founded a women’s school in China. In 1936, she graduated from the National Central University in Nanking China. After graduating she went to study physics at … Read more

Brazilian Women Are Being Bullied into Having C-Sections

I ran across this article a few weeks ago the idea of women being pressured into having unnecessary surgical procedures.  This article is definitely worth a read.    

ACLU Files Additional Challenge to NC’s Amendment One

Amendment One is being challenged and there is a chance that marriage for same-sex couples will soon be legalized in North Carolina. I really hope that this happens, it breaks my heart that we are still having to fight for equality.

“Ask Her When She’s Sober”

One of my favorite unorthodox websites to visit when I have a few moments to spare time is “cracked”. Now, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the website, go take a look and I guarantee you will be hooked. “5 Shockingly Outdated Problems Women in the Military Face”, posted earlier this year, highlighted … Read more

Another Dove Ad and Experiment: The Beauty Patch Dove has a new ad about its experiment on the “beauty patch.” Supposedly they recruited a group of women and told them they were going to wear a patch that would enhance their perceptions of themselves and make them feel more beautiful. At the end of the experiment, the women were told that there … Read more

Women/Feminists in the Workplace

I have always found it interesting that in theory women want to better our standing as a sex, but often struggle to work together to be able to do so.  There are sayings all over the internet about this.  One such popular one is, “Don’t try to understand women.  Women understand women and they don’t … Read more

Equal Pay Day, April 8

President Obama is pushing Congress to pass equal pay legislation. While gender discrimination in pay was banned by law in 1963, the sad reality is that women still earn on average 77 cents to every dollar earned by men. For Latina and African-American women, it is even less. The reasons are complex. The law will … Read more

Are Women Easy Targets in Politics?

I’m sure most of you have heard about the recent scandal surrounding New Jersey governor Chris Christie. In case you haven’t, the scandal refers to the massive gridlock that happened last September when lanes were closed to the entrance of the George Washington Bridge. The scandal part of this revolves around the fact that there … Read more

Makeup Makes a Difference

These two videos made me happy, and I believe that everyone should see it. Each one shows a beautiful woman taking off her makeup. Each one is heartfelt and heart warming. These videos, even though they are unconventional ads, make me wonder. Is makeup a mask or a mirror? Almira Salic