policing middle school bodies?

“Not being able to wear leggings because it’s ‘too distracting for boys’ is giving us the impression we should be guilty for what guys do,” Hasty said in an e-mail. “We just want to be comfortable!” – Evanston Middle School Students Protest Dress Code Over Leggings, Yoga Pants Though the article is sort of confusing on … Read more

Eating Disorders Are Not “White Girl” Diseases

“When eating disorders were first being recognized, people seeking treatment were young, white girls, so the belief developed early that nobody else suffers from them,” says Gayle Brooks, vice president and chief clinical officer of the Renfrew Center, the country’s first residential treatment facility for eating disorders. “When that became the core of our understanding, we … Read more

First Gay Hug (A Homophobic Experience)

I am attaching a link that I saw a few days ago that I fell in love with. Just the power of the video showing that even if someone is different than you is no reason we can’t get along. These people didn’t try to change their minds or how they felt about the topic … Read more

Art Project Empowering Little Girls

I was surfing the web a week or so ago when I stumbled across a really cool blog on Tumblr, http://bettersupes.tumblr.com/.  This artist is taking costumes worn by little girls and transforming them into bonafide super heroes.  There are links to purchase prints, this is an awesome way to support a great cause!

A Character Issue

Anna Gunn plays Skyler White in the popular TV series Breaking Bad. For those of you unfamiliar with the show, it features Walter White, high school chemistry teacher. When Walter learns of contracting lung cancer, he begins producing and selling Methamphetamine as a means of making money to leave for his family and unborn daughter after he dies. … Read more

prostitutes as social activists: baby dolls of mardi gras

The Baby Dolls of Mardi Gras     Because prostitutes live at the fringe of society and already occupy a lower status with much less to lose, many have been at the forefront of activism to change gender and racial conventions. This article tells the story of the Baby Dolls of Mardi Gras and how … Read more

When boys dominate the conversation

Black girls’ zero-sum struggle: Why we lose when black boys dominate the discourse There’s been a lot of talk recently about girls surpassing boys in education and boys are either dropping out or falling behind at alarming rate. Many have taken this as an indicator of women’s success and sign that a new era is … Read more

We Should all be Feminist

In the attached video Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie speaks on oppression, gender rolls, and being a feminist in the modern world.  She very eloquently tells the story of  women across the globe and the everyday struggles she encounters.  Most importantly Chimamanda offers solutions and guidelines for change.     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg3umXU_qWc

Re-Making an American Original ‘Annie’

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/06/annie-trailer_n_4910526.html?utm_hp_ref=bv-pop-culture The link above is an article from the Huffington Post talking about the upcoming re-make of Annie. The star of the movie is Quvenzhané Wallis, a young multiethnic oscar nominee. The plot line is the same but the cast is more racially diverse and stars politically rowdy celebrities. (i.e. Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz etc) The … Read more