China’s LeftOver Women…?

The above link is to a CNN article on possible reasons why the values of women all over the world are shifting from marriage to permanent, childless, single-status.

After reading through this article and doing basic current even research it is safe to say that this is systematic beyond the reaches of the U.S. capitalistic patriarchy. Even China, (which in my opinion is more powerful than the United States at this current point) still has women in second class status. Is this because of U.S. influence or is this something that moves with any country? Just as in the U.S., Marriage and motherhood are the means by which men maintain control and gain status and property. Seeing the blatant oppressive systems, two Chinese women spoke out in hopes to show an alternative to the current female role within there society. There must always be a subordinate groups and the women interviewed for this article chose to combat this by denouncing the concept of marriage and the pursuit toward motherhood. These women represent the minority but isn’t it better to have choice to have or not than to be forced into having?

Think about it!! Comment if you like.


Unfair Assumptions: The Power of the Tongue

Do you feel that certain assumptions are based off of ignorance? Do you ever feel like you are perceived in a manner that is negative? When men voice their opinions about the activities of women, do you find yourself frustrated? Here’s what happened to me I was having a somewhat normal conversation with a member … Read more

Pussy Riot

I don’t know if any of you have heard or seen the news about Pussy Riot, the Russian feminist punk band, but I think they deserve all the recognition they can get. During the Olympics this year, the girl band bravely took stage at the port in Sochi to perform their new song that featured … Read more

Girls Who Code – Women in STEM

This video/article was really awesome and positive. I think problem solving with the use of technology is absolutely the present and more importantly, the future. These girls are being supported and encouraged to work in math and science technology – we need more women in these roles/fields! What do you think? Would you participate in … Read more

Rape Joke

Ever since our last class discussion elevated to an recalled encounter with outspoken ignorance to rape culture in public places, I’ve been thinking about the real effects that even joking about rape has on the public’s acceptance of the rape culture. I’ve personally refrained  from joking about issues of the like, but it hadn’t crossed my … Read more

Representation of Women of different Ethnicities in Music

Pharrell Williams, multi-grammy winner and (in my opinion), musical genius, is currently being scrutinized due to his “controversial” album cover. At first I didn’t know where the general public was coming from, but, after taking a closer look (and surfing various social media websites), I realized what the issue was. Are you ready? Well, there … Read more

Educating Girls and Preventing Female Genital Mutilation MADRE

After completing a project for my african religions course, I wanted to share current events taking place spanish speaking countries to end FGM globally. Most people think that FGM only takes place in indigenous African populations but this website and editorial proves otherwise. Let me know what you think!!–927.html

Today Show Participates in No Makeup Monday

I thought this was an awesome thing for a mainstream television newscast to do. The anchors, both men and women, took pictures of themselves with and without makeup and did a piece on air with out it. It truly is amazing to see the differences and to relate to them as people we see everyday … Read more

Chasing False Ideation of Beauty

In many senses, the mass media has failed women.  Women are objectified, sexualized and are unrepresented.  Beauty is not equivalent to happiness and yet, it is often calculated into self-worth.   As suggest by underwear model Cameron Russell, the beauty seen in a models photographs is the result of a team. That photo is the result … Read more


This article on sexism really had me thinking. Why is sexism still prevalent in the workplace and at universities? Why is there STILL a double standard concerning “traditional” gender roles? How many of you have heard sexist remarks regarding your career pathway, attire, or hobbies? As a female skateboarder & longboarder I have heard … Read more