Successful Women and Imposter Syndrome

While checking my own personal blog this morning I stumbled across a post about imposter syndrome. “Many successful women suffer from impostor syndrome. Impostor syndrome is the feeling that you’re a fraud—that you’re somehow less qualified than your peers, less deserving of success, and that you’ll be ‘found out’ if you don’t work longer and … Read more

“Be a man”

A few days ago I happened upon a video that gave me one of those ‘Oh! I never thought about that’ moments. The video highlighted the effects of male gender roles being forced upon young men in America. It really made think about this other side of the gender inequality equation. I would argue that, … Read more

Fame Attracts Lunatics

After being assigned a paper on a specific ‘pop culture text’ and what implications that ‘text’ suggests from a feminist perspective in my Feminist Thought course, I came across Lorna Bliss. If I say anything else it will ruin the video an instant reactions. I would really like to know what everyone thinks. Here are two … Read more

A Personal Account of an Attempted Break In

Earlier this week, one of the girls who lives on the other side of my duplex mentioned that there was a car parked in front of our house with its lights off, it was a young white man talking on his cell phone, she said that it made her feel uneasy.  The rest of us … Read more

Woman the Gatherer

I think this poem is very appropriate to our current examination of !Kung women and continuities of past and present in women’s roles. HM Women, The Gatherer        by Faith Williams  Lightly she steps across triangles of jungle glass. Her young follow. She teaches how to hunt Country Delight sliced sandwich bread, how to follow … Read more

Disney’s Portrayal of Women in Animated Film

After reading Carolyn Wallence’s post on Gender Inequalities I immediately thought about the ongoing controversy surrounding Disney and their portrayal of women in animated film. While this is not the only issue with Disney’s productions, it is certainly one of the most important. I grew up watching and idolizing the Disney princesses, not realizing that … Read more

New Age Spin on Tradition

After class yesterday, I could not stop thinking about the !Kung women’s view on pregnancy and breastfeeding. I wanted to know if this was something representative of other hunter-gatherer communities. So I began the google search for methods on childcare especially in utero – two years old. First, I wanted to establish information about why … Read more

The Notion of Equality

Upon stumbling on the Internet, I came across some fairly beautiful words. The excerpt was apparently written in the Hebrew Talmud. “Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man’s rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior. But … Read more

17th Century Book of Women’s Right

I spend a lot of my time thinking about what my life might have been like if I had been born during a different century, and after looking at an article I found on the DailyMail website I realize that I’m probably better off having been born when I was. The article features a 17th century … Read more