Battle Against Online Sex Offenders

Here is a link to a video and article about “Sweetie,” the CGI that is being used to catch and track online sex offenders who use chat rooms to pay young girls money to perform sex acts via web cam.  Thinking back our last class about the anonymity of going to another country to find … Read more

The Global Project and UN Goals

The actress, Deborfah Lee-Furness, is working on the Global Project, which addresses the question: what does it take for women to truly be empowered? She points out that we are still asking this question in 2014 when UN Millenium goals were supposed to be met yet women worldwide still comprise 70% of the worlds poor; … Read more

Caught in a Bad Romance: Women’s Suffrage

This video creatively protrays the history of women’s suffrage. It won the emmy for best instructional video. What do you think of it? Is it effective or not? How do you like the way it is done? Holly Mathews

The Problem With Dove’s Real Beauty Sketches Campaign

http:// The gist of this HuffPost blog is about self-perception, and who decides such perception. One would assume the term “self” implies the inner being as the central giver of affirmation. But, in fact, no matter how much confidence or assurance a woman might possess, her perception comes from and is reinforced by peers, strangers, … Read more

Peng Liyuan Tiananmen Photo Shows China’s First Lady Singing For Troops After 1989 Crackdown This Huffington Post blog caught my attention less for the implications of Communism and more for the practicing of gender in the political sphere. First lady of China, Peng Liyuan Tiananmen, who is often compared to First Lady Michelle Obama for her good looks and savvy fashion sense, is highlighted in this article for … Read more

‘States’ Rights’ Is Also Code for Keeping Women Down

Doris Weatherfield, an historian, writes that state’s rights have long been used as a code for racism, and now they are being used to deny women reproductive rights like health care and privacy concerns. They are also at the front of the argument for Justice Kennedy that DOMA violates states rights. Just as the past … Read more

Obama Gives Secret Service It’s 1st Female Director**–politics.html I thought that this article was important and intesting to gender studies. It relates back to the article that  we read in the “Feminist Reader” regarding women’s inability to be involved in politics in countries such as Egypt. This is a significant benchmark in US history as was the election of the first black president. The profounding … Read more