An Immigrant Woman Could be your Boss

An Immigrant Woman Could be your Boss Here is an article in the Huffington Post, by a blogger who interviewed me about immigrant women entrepreneurs. I have published 2 reports on this growing phenomenon with the Immigration Policy Center, and we have a chapter about it in our book, Immigration and Women. It will be … Read more

Isreali Gay Rights   This article discusses how the largest concern for the LGBT movement in Israel is not marriage, but surrogacy. Currently, many couples wanting children have to adopt from outside the country or use a foreign surrogate. It has been legal for straight couples in Israel to use a surrogate since 1996, however this is denied to gay couples. … Read more

NH law maker criticized for comment

A NH lawmaker was recently criticized for making the following comment: “Some people could make the argument that a lot of people like being in abusive relationships. It’s a love-hate relationship. It’s very, very common for people to stick around with somebody they love who also abuses him or her. … Is the solution to … Read more

Transgender Bathroom Use Debate Emerges In Arizona

Arizona seems to always be on the wrong end of the fight, as in the 2010 immigration law, and in my opinion this new proposed law is no different. This is blatantly discriminatory against transgender persons, and for what? The bill requires an individual to use public restrooms, and locker/dressing rooms of the biological sex … Read more

Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out Of course I am in favor of politicians declaring solidarity with the movement towards lawfully solidifying gay marriage. However, Senator Portman is doing the homosexual base no favors with his declaration of gay rights acceptance. It is only now, when his own son has courageously come forward and decided to live an authentic life, … Read more

Rainbow flag painted on house across from Westboro Baptist Church

A non-profit group, Planting Peace, bought a house across from a church in Topeka Kansas and painted it rainbow colors. It is said to be the “Equality House”. The church, Westboro Baptist, is known for being an anti-gay church that is radical with it’s beliefs. They have been known to carry around signs that says … Read more

Grounding Cosmopolitanism Conference Program

Grounding Cosmopolitanism: Theory and practice through the prism of women’s rights Bahçeşehir University, March 18-19, 2013
Çırağan Caddesi, Beşiktaş
Conference Program March 18: 12:45-13:15 Welcome (Fazıl Say Conference room) Nora Fisher Onar and Hande Paker 13:15-14:45 Panel 1: Cosmopolitan and Colonial I: Between European and local readings of women’s rights (Fazıl Say Conference room) Susan C. Pearce, … Read more

Grounding Cosmopolitanism

I am going to be giving a paper at a fascinating conference tomorrow. Here is the call for papers, and I will post the program next: Grounding cosmopolitanism: Theory and practice through the prism of women’s rights The project will explore the outstanding question – both theoretical and practical – of how to live together … Read more