Russian Anti-Gay Attitudes A recent survey of 1,600 residents across Russia shows that anti-gay attitudes are stronger than they were 8 years ago (when the survey was last conducted). Given the movie we watched, it is no shock that there are these strong negative attitudes in Russia. Disturbingly, ” Approximately 16 percent said they think gays should be isolated from … Read more

Obama Cannot Imagine A State’s Gay Marriage Ban Being Constitutional FINALLY! We have a president who declares the ban of gay marriage unconstitutional! This is a sign of progress, as was the President’s interview with ABC News correspondent George Stephonopolis wherein he declared his active leadership of an administration working for the quality of all individuals.This is visible through their reluctance to claim DOMA … Read more

Gender-based Violence Key on UN Commission Agenda

This article was interesting to me because it is a positive one. I try to find research, articles, and books that will be able to give hope that the issue of domestic or gender-based violence is one that is not only on the mind of others, but that it is is an issue that is … Read more

Arkansas: House Votes Against Veto of Abortion Bill

One recurring theme over the course of this class has been the issue of a women’s freedom of there own bodies. One way that this freedom is being impeded in the U.S is in the attack on abortion rights set forth in Roe Vs. Wade.  In Arkansas we see a state that is attempting to … Read more

Pregnant Woman Relieved To Learn Her Rape Was Illegitimate,29258/?ref=auto Play on words? Of course. Nonetheless, this article is the story of many women. Todd Akin was first dropped by his political backing and then picked up again with the intent from keeping Clair McCaskill (M-D) out of office. Some would deem this just playing politics, while others scratch a bit past the surface … Read more

“Gay Advertising”   The above link is a very interesting article (an opinion piece by an LGBT activist) on the Huffington post reacting to the recent Amazon Kindle commercial featuring a man referring to another man as his husband. You can watch it here: I had recently seen the commercial myself and thought that it was probably a … Read more

Sequester cuts to Women’s center

In this article, Paula Reid discusses the impacts that budget cuts may have on the Women, Infants, and Children Supplemental Nutrition Program or WIC. This program provides breast feeding counseling and monthly food vouchers to new mothers. Almost 60 % of newborns in the US are enrolled in WIC. If Congress does not act,  $600,000 will be … Read more

India Reeling after Rape and Murder of Three Young Sisters This article is simply appalling. To think that the police’s reaction was chalant about three girls going miss is disgraceful. This article incorporates many of the problems that the authors have pointed out in the books that we have read. My top question is how do three children suddenly disappear from a school and … Read more