Tahrir Bodyguard launches free self-defense training for women

  Nevine El Shabrawy’s article Tahrir Bodyguard launches free self-defense training for women, discusses how Tahir Bodyguard has launched a campaign of free self-defense lessons for women protesters in Tahrir square, as well as the city of Cairo as a whole. The lessons took place at the Samia Allouba center in Maadi last week. Thirty women participated in learning … Read more

Lesbians Must Shape the Agenda Before It Gets Away

In her article Dr. Lori Sokol discusses that although there have been many strides in GLBT rights across the nation, there are particular issues that affect lesbians and they should be aware. Firstly Dr. Sokol speaks about the Komen foundation defunding breast cancer screening for Planned Parenthood, then consequently reversing the decision because of public … Read more

The Down-low Brother, and a search for Identity

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deron-dalton/down-low-stigma_b_2535782.html?utm_hp_ref=gay-voices The above Huffington Post article aligns with the paper I am writing for class covering cultural identity and mis-identities of queer South African men, and men on the down-low for what they call economic reasons. The issue in South Africa seems to stand parallel to what the states are experiencing. There is not a … Read more

Gender-based violence: Three dead bodies, zero safe space

This article talks about the death of three women ages 17, 23, and 29. They died due to gender-based violence. 23 year old Jyoti was murdered on a public bus, 17 year old Anene was raped and disemboweled in a “dorp”, and 29 year old Reeva was killed by her boyfriend.  The point of this … Read more

Ireland Apologizes to Women of Catholic Laundries

http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/;_ylc=X1MDMjE0Mzc5NzU2OQRhbgNvcGVuTGluawRjaANlbWFpbARjbQMyMTQ1ODY4Mjc0IyNtYWlsX2NiIyNhIyN1cyMjZW4tVVMjI2RjNTJlY2Q0LTg4ZDQtMzk5ZC1hZDE0LTEzZDAxNTdlOGM1NiMjbWl0X3NoYXJlIyNtYWlsIyMEZXQDbXRmBGdkA2NoZXJpZTQ0MzJAeWFob28uY29tBHBsYXRmb3JtA1lIT08tVU5QBHRwA2VtYWlsVG9GcmllbmRUZW1wbGF0ZS5odG1sBHRzAzIwMTMwMjIw?058622850980471338/SIG=12rihumle/**http%3A%2F%2Fnews.yahoo.com%2Fireland-apologizes-women-catholic-laundries-202801171.html My article is about women who were devalued, outcast, and stigmatized in Dublin,Ireland up until 1996. These women were sentenced to laundry houses and residential work houses that were run by Catholic nuns and serviced Catholic institutions. In addition, they serviced hotels and other businesses doing laundry and making rosary beads. The article stated that there … Read more

Why Gender Equality Stalled

Why Gender Equality Stalled This is a fascinating look back at what has happened since Betty Friedan’s book was published. Several sociologists are quoted. And the comments look very interesting. Susan Pearce    

Violence Against Women on Tribal Lands

In this New York Times article, Johnathan Weisman discusses the effort to push a last measure of the Violence Against Women Act through Congress. This ten page section would allow Native American courts and police to pursue non-tribal members for violence against tribal women. Weisman explains how a black hole currently exists in the legislation, … Read more

Raising Red Flags

This article was written yesterday, Valentine’s Day. It is about raising awareness to gender based violence on the campus of Queen’s University. I thought that it was a great article to read because it shows that people are interested in finding ways to fix the problem. On Valentine’s Day they posted red posters all over … Read more

Seperation of men and women

In reading Half the Sky we see many extreme acts of violence taken against women by men. In these acts it is shown that these cultures have greatly different separations between men and women. Men as viewed as superior while women as seen as secondary and inferior. In is through these perceived cultural differences that … Read more

In Bed With the President of Ghana?

Fitting with the Ghanian theme that homosexuality is a “foreign devil…import from the decadent West” (Solomon, 2011), this New York Times piece reveals the injustice of mere association with LGBT “society.” Of course, association with gay politics, in any manner, implies one is a raging revolutionary ready to storm the parliamentary floor and demand the … Read more