Same-Sex Marriage, Transnational Activism, and International Law

In Kathleen Lahey’s article she focuses on strategies for freedoms that go beyond just marriage for LGBT people on an international scale. The article first shows how marriage equality and spousal rights had been won in 35 countries by 2010, but despite these advances in these countries there is still quite a bit of discrimination … Read more

Update on Violence Against Women Act

Since the Violence Against Women Act, VAWA, was mentioned during our first class period, I thought it would be good to get an update on the challenges facing Congress as well as identify the main issues with VAWA.

Backlash against Russian Anti-Gay Legislation This article seemed very relevant to the movie we have been watching in class about Russian Pride Parades and the controversy surrounding them. This article shows that some other European cities are not willing to stand for the anti-gay legislations recently passed in St. Petersburg.  

“A Lesbian Muslim Unveiled”

While skimming Huffington Post this morning, as I do every morning, I came across an entry from SheWired, a popular blog outlet. The story told is one that we’ve all heard. A Muslim woman is ousted from her religion and family due to her sexuality and the degree to which she chose to embrace it. … Read more

Forced Marriage to rapist law

In Morocco, almost a year ago a 16-year-old girl who was forced to marry her rapist. The girl committed suicide, the government of this country has now announced plans to change this law banning this “traditional” practice. Cory Banks

YouTube Star’s Video Ignites ‘Slut-Shaming’ Reaction

Maggie Frelang’s article YouTube Star’s Video Ignites ‘Slut-Shaming’ Reaction , discusses how Youtube star Jenna Marbles’ (aka Jenna Mourey) recent video, “Things I Don’t Understand About Girls Part 2: Slut Edition”  has resulted in a backlash from viewers for slut-shaming other girls. Frelang reports that in the video  Jenna discusses how she feels that while it is … Read more

Child Abuse as a Catalyst for Wife Abuse?

Post By: Latoya Alston This article explains a possible connection between child and spousal abuse, with males being the abusers. The authors do not see the relationship as a causal one, but rather one that seems to have a correlation. They give two explanations that can be used to explain the reasons one becomes an abusive … Read more

Images of Women in Maharashtrian Society By Anne Feldhaus

I read an interesting article recently about child brides and how women and gender roles are viewed in societies that conduct such ceremonies between young children.  I found it very interesting that what they view as a solution to their problems was actually creating a cycle of the same problems.  The girls are so heart … Read more