Rape Culture on Campuses and What Can Be Done About It

Let’s talk about rape culture at universities, especially since watching The Hunting Ground. According to an article I read on a website called “The conversation,” members of the Western University community say they feel unsafe on their campus. There have been four formal allegations of sexual violence reported in an incredibly short period of time. … Read more

Gender Based Violence Heightened Due to Covid

According to an article written by Michele Silbiloni at UNICEF News, the Covid-19 pandemic has heightened the dangers of gender-based violence and human trafficking. The head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime states that action needs to be called now more than ever. Not only has the pandemic worsened the plight of those … Read more

OP-ED Campus Sexual Violence

Sexual violence on college campuses is a very common public health issue for women and men with one in five women being assaulted and one in nine women being experiencing rape. Sadly most of the incidents go unreported in fear of victim-blaming or facing the perpetrator. Studies have shown that students are at the highest … Read more

Intersectionality: Why do we need it to truly understand gender-based violence?

Intersectionality is including different variables of a woman/mans life in order to account for unique experiences to their culture, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and or immigration status By taking an intersectionality approach to cases of gender-based violence, we can take the best approach in helping anyone of any sexuality, culture, ethnicity, etc with their situation. By … Read more

Intimate partner violence in LGBT community

We see a lot of intimate partner violence as is, but have you ever stopped to think about the LQBT community and it’s relationship with intimate partner violence?  Looking into surveys, we can see that bisexual women are “1.8 times more likely to report ever having experienced IPV than heterosexual women”.  This is just one … Read more

Manipulation in Human Trafficking

When we think of cases of human trafficking, most people’s first assumption is that the victim was kidnapped, or threatened with physical force.  However, in most cases this is not true at all.  Most women are mentally manipulated, in order for a perpetrator to get what they want without gaining the attention of police or … Read more

Op-Ed on the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church is being accused of child sexual abuse by people in Ireland, the US, France, Argentina, Australia, and more. Since the 1950s, there have been sexual abuse accusations against the Catholic Church. Canada and the US brought public attention to this issue within the Catholic Church in the 1980s. The investigation conducted by … Read more

SOCI 3000 (11/8/2021) Op-Ed

Articles: “Honoring Jo Acker, Trans Woman Who Confronted Shooter” https://www.hrc.org/news/hrc-mourns-jo-acker-26-year-old-trans-woman-killed-in-boise-idaho “Remembering and Honoring Pulse: Anti-LGBTQ Bias and Guns Are Taking Lives of Countless LGBTQ People” https://assets2.hrc.org/files/assets/resources/Pulse-GunViolenceReport-061120.pdf?_ga=2.145034228.1788513919.1636415581-200739166.1626980298 “Gun Violence Must Stop. Here’s What We Can Do to Prevent More Deaths” https://www.preventioninstitute.org/focus-areas/preventing-violence-and-reducing-injury/preventing-violence-advocacy With an influx of news being covered in the media today, it can be seen that our country … Read more

Why you shouldn’t send your troubled child to boot camp (OP-ED)

Trigger Warning : I will be including couple of the cases that happened to several children which include death and self harm. These facilities have different names such as boot camps, behavior modification facilities, wilderness therapy, and gay conversion. Many parents who feel like they need to change their child’s behavior will take them to … Read more