The Janissary’s Paradox: A Common Theme

When the Ottomans took over control of Eastern Europe and the Middle East, they captured Christian children and converted them to Islam with the opportunity to climb the social ladder. If, however, the Christians refused to give up their past and war against their fellow Christians, they were promised a horrendous future. The conflict of … Read more

Food and The Bastard of Istanbul by Kellie Baker

Although the struggle between the families and within the families of The Bastard of Istanbul is the main theme of the book, food plays a large role in the novel.  The food mentioned in the book serves as a connection point between the two families and also builds up to the climax itself.  It is … Read more

Naquibs Daughter

Connections from Egypt to Iraq and Beyond in Samia Serageldin’s The Naqib’s Daughter             As I read Samia Serageldin’s The Naqib’s Daughter, the question arose of why she chose to write about the French invasion of Egypt.  As I read this book and received the opportunity to speak to the author about the book, I … Read more

Tragedy in the Eyes of a Child

Throughout the world, turmoil, war, and devastation occur daily, but life- long effects on the people that must experience tragedy are rarely recognized or examined, especially the impact on children. Dalia Sofer’s The Septembers of Shiraz gives readers a unique window into the thoughts and feelings of a nine-year-old girl, who plays a main role … Read more

The Problem of Rape in South Africa

Shenika Rountree South Africa has the highest incidence of rape in the world. The statistics are chilling: one in two women are raped; women are more likely to be raped than to learn to read. For every 25 men accused of rape in South African 24 walk free, making the act of pressing charges almost … Read more

Efforts to End Female Circumcision

Laruen Pardue             Put yourself in the shoes of the over two million girls a year who experience the fear and pain of female circumcision. Imagine the immense pain that they undergo while being forced by their families to be strapped down and their genitals mutilated by a doctor or midwife armed with nothing more … Read more

Targeting Male Demand to End Sex Trafficking

                                                          Bradley Pravlik             How do men that exploit prostitutes know they are not being held against their will and forced to engage in sexual acts.  These men are the driving cause behind the perpetuation of sexual slavery.  They create the demand for the victims of sexual slavery.  Yet, the laws enacted have focused on … Read more