Sex Trafficking in Eastern Europe

Sarah Boyd Women in Eastern Europe are being tricked into modern day slavery, sex trafficking. Most of society thinks slavery is a thing of the past but this is a major social problem in many areas of world. Women’s bodies are being sold to whoever can pay the most. This has to be stopped because … Read more

The Importance of Educating Women

by Centrece Kendall Can you imagine walking into a grocery store and not knowing how to read the names or nutritional values of the items you purchased? How would you know if they were good for you or not? What if the simplest task, such as reading directions or even your favorite book, became a … Read more

September’s of Shiraz A Family Affair

In The September’s of Shiraz by Dalia Sofer, a man named Isaac becomes imprisoned essentially for his religion and for his “living well under the shah.” Revolutionaries come and take him from his place of work. However, the situation not only affects him but it is an ordeal for his whole family. He has a … Read more

Time and Beauty in The September’s of Shiraz

The Mutability of Beauty and Time In the novel, The September’s of Shiraz by Dalia Sofer, although there is a surface story of Isaac being in prison and his family suffering without him, there is also a deeper aspect that speaks of the nature of life. Two things that the story speaks to are how … Read more

The Need for Safe Abortions World-Wide

 Marissa Gray             Everyday women all over the world die from trying to terminate a pregnancy that they didn’t want.  Worldwide the number of unsafe abortions per 1000 women has risen from 44 in 1995 to 49 in 2008 (Conley, 2012).  Guttmacher Institute reported that in 2008 there were 43.8 million abortions that happened worldwide.  Because … Read more

Should the State Regulate Population Control: China’s One-Child Policies

 Aretta Williams             The One-Child policy in China has become quite controversial since its beginnings  over 30 years ago. Chinese officials say that the one-child policy has controlled China’s increasing population, preventing between 250-300 million births between 1979 and 2000. Others, particularly outside of China, claim that this policy has led to violations of human … Read more

The Naqib’s Daughter , Role Reversal

Role Reversal In reading The Naqib’s Daughter I witnessed things that not only shocked me, but also dissolved my preconceived notions about what I knew about the French occupation of Egypt. The most prevalent of these new revelations was the presence of women in society, in particular the person of Sitt Nafisa. Previously, I thought … Read more

The Dichotomy in an Egyptian Society as Seen in The Yacoubian Building

There are many aspects that separate the people of every society. While differences in some societies are subtle, in others, they are great. Wealth and social class have always been the greatest aspects that created differences in societies such as the Islamic Middle Eastern ones. However, as technology flourished and people began seeing and comparing … Read more