Skirts too short!

Islamists ban filming of movie at Ain Shams University, and in other news Adel Imam (star of Yacoubian Building) sentenced to three months in jail for his provocative roles on stage and in film: .

“Hijab-Yours, Mine, and Ours”

This is a blog created by my friend, Habiba Ghanem. She created the blog to tell her story and experiences of wearing the hijab and also for her friends and family to share their stories too. It gives a beautiful, honest, first-hand perspective of wearing a hijab.

New Study Links Female Genital Mutilation to Higher Rates of Mental Disorders

Female genital mutilation is defined by the WHO as the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia for nonmedical reasons. The practice causes severe pain and interferes with the normal functioning of girls’ and women’s bodies and has long-term consequences for women’s physical health. It is estimated that between 100-140 million girls are … Read more

Congolese women graduate from rape survival class

Eastern Congo residents, including men and boys as, well as women, have faced violent rapes for many years by armed rebels who roam the hills and sometimes force chunks of wood and guns into their victims. In Bukavu,  gender violence survivors can enter into a program called the City of Joy for six months which … Read more

NY Mets Pitcher Climbs Mountain to Help Female Victims of Sex Trafficking

NY Met’s pitcher,R. A. Dickey, is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro to raise awareness for the Bombay Teen Challenge. Since 1990, Bombay Teen Challenge has worked to rescue and rehabilitate destitute and desperate people living on the streets and in the red light district of Mumbai. These include women trapped in prostitution through sex trafficking, their at-risk daughters … Read more