Authors Within Texts? This is a really interesting essay by George El-Hage, a professor of Arabic and Comparative Literature, I found detailing the nature of the autobiographical nature of the 1974 novel Beirut 75. Even though I didn’t fully read this book, I did skim over it and found it to be a rather engaging work. Ghada … Read more

Women Without Men

I saw the trailer for this film in my WOST 3510 class yesterday and it looks amazing! Film Summary In her feature-film debut, renowned visual artist Shirin Neshat offers an exquisitely crafted view of Iran in 1953, when a British- and American-backed coup removed the democratically elected government. Adapted from the novel by Iranian author … Read more

Study in Prevention in AIDS in African Women Terminated

Researchers halted a study in Africa testing whether a daily antiretroviral pill can prevent women from becoming infected with the AIDS virus. So far, women taking the pill are just as likely as those taking the placebo to become infected. Of the 1,900 women taking the pill and placebo, 28 in both groups became infected. … Read more

Supply and Demand

This article explores how the United States is (very) slowly waking up to something that was realized in Sweden long ago (and was proven to work!)…that in order to truly combat the commercial sex trade (both consensual and non-consensual) they must penalize the demand and not the supply. In short, the johns and not the … Read more

Cambodian Sex Slavery: Shattered Innocence

By Melinda Seeman It is estimated that somewhere between 40,000 and 100,000 Cambodians are exploited as sex slaves. This translates to 1 in every 150 people in this country being involved. Cambodian, ethnic Vietnamese, Thai and Malaysian women and young girls are forced into sexual slavery under deplorable conditions. In order to develop an effective … Read more

Pregnant Woman Jailed for Attempting Suicide

I’m beginning to think that I need to post more light-hearted and uplifting articles on this blog!  But, continuing in my (depressing) habits, here is an article about a pregnant Illinois woman who attempted suicide after her boyfriend and business partner left her after she found out he had another family.  Distraught, she drank rat … Read more

HIV in Women: Focus on Kenya

By Jennifer O’Neill In 2009, it was estimated that 33.3 million people were living with HIV or AIDS worldwide; of those, 22.5 million can be found in Sub-Saharan Africa.  In Kenya, 1.5 million adults and children are living with HIV or AIDS.  760,000 of those affected are women aged 15 and older.  With this disease … Read more

France’s Elections

Sarkhozy pushed the ban on the burka/niqab, now his opponent says that he will criminalize men who pay for sex–women’s bodies are all over French politics:  M Russell

Clinic gives Nigerian women new lives This article provides a good overview of the social ostracism women with fistulas face and the various factors that contribute to their existence: poor obstetric care, cultural factors such as early marriages and the subordinate status of women: “Rural women remain second-class citizens,” the article says.  It goes on to describe the surgical options … Read more

Hey guys, I came across an interesting video about the “stained glass ceiling” that women face in the Catholic church.  These women explain that despite formal credentials (theological training, special recognition from seminary professors, etc.), they cannot become fully ordained ministers because of traditional rules.  They mention that they feel called to fulfill theological leadership … Read more