Risk of assault at the border

Article: https://sites.ecu.edu/genderpoliticsculture/wp-admin/post-new.php Overview: Every year many migrants will attempt to cross the Mexico-American border coming from Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala etc. Many face the risk of sexual assault and rape because they are out numbered by men on the journey. Many take this journey because of fear of violence back home. Many women do … Read more

Nearly 20 years after peace pact, Guatemala’s women relive violence

http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/02/world/iyw-guatemala-gender-violence/ The article begins with the story of Adelma Cifuentes, who suffered through domestic violence for over 12 years. One day, as the abuse progressed, two men came to her home and were ordered to kill her by her husband. Cifuentes was able to survive due to her two sons pulling her to safety after the … Read more

In Bangladesh, Grassroots Efforts to End Violence Against Women

http://www.voanews.com/content/in-bangladesh-grassroots-efforts-to-end-violence-against-women/2793800.html This article works to bring attention to the issue of widespread domestic violence towards women and girls throughout the country of Bangladesh. However, there is difficulty in eradicating this problem, due to the ingrained cultural norms that have been established. But, a campaign of non-profit organizations have teamed together to bring change to the … Read more

Stand in Solidarity With the Women of Haiti

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rep-frederica-wilson/stand-in-solidarity-women-haiti_b_2618956.html The country of Haiti is an environment without adequate housing, police protection and the ability to petition the courts for justice; This a country with limited medical access. This is also a country that is plagued with the constant fear of sexual violence. Imagine being sexually assaulted and essentially having no where to turn. … Read more