Sexual Assault of Incarcerated Women: Op-Ed

A large part of our women’s population is made up of incarcerated women. Currently, there are over 200,000 women who are incarcerated in the United States, and at least 15% of these women have experienced sexual victimization, while serving their jail/prison sentence. When people mention sexual victimization of incarcerated men or women, the average person … Read more

America Neglecting Indigenous Individuals

Many people argue that missing Indigenous people are not getting the justice they deserve because of their race. The case of Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie has brought up a lot of controversy about how much attention they are getting, but indigenous people aren’t getting any at all. I believe that the only reason they … Read more

(OP-ED) Sexualization of Girls in Media

How many of us have turned on the television, opened our smartphones, or even a magazine in a clinic waiting room to see sexualized advertisements including women? In a study of five different magazines over a forty year period, about 1.5% of these ads have sexualized children. Although a relatively small number, it is a … Read more

OP-ED Black Women and Indigenous Women: Intimate Partner Violence Highlighted   Black and Indigenous women are the most prone to getting sexually assaulted compared to white women. This was one of the facts in the article below entitled “Intimate Partner Violence in the Black Community”. Even though this article specifically talks about black women in dangerous homes with their significant others, they do speak … Read more

Op-Ed Models Share Stories of Sexual Assault in The Fashion Industry

Everyday we see commercials, ads, videos, pictures, magazines, and many more things about the fashion industry. However, how many models are actually experiencing sexual assault off camera? Harper’s Bazaar gives us the inside scoop as to what the models have to say on things they’ve personally experienced. The article’s first sentence is “In the Fashion, … Read more

Op-Ed: Battered Women Syndrome A White Woman’s Plea?

Thousands of women across the globe are stuck in long-term domestic abuse situations that they cannot escape. Some of these women try to defend themselves against their abuse partners or just end up snapping leading to potentially fatal injuries of the abusers. This was the case for Nateonna Roland, a black woman in Buffalo, New … Read more

Femicide Op ed

Femicide is the killing of women. It is not just the homicide of women because they so happen to be female but the killing of women just because they are female.  It is a term that was coined in Latin America. The reason that it was coined was because there is a prominent issue of … Read more

Incarcerated Women of Battered Women’s Syndrome

Battered Women’s Syndrome is a psychological condition that can develop when a person experiences abuse, it is also a legal defense used in courtrooms. This specific legal defense doesn’t work for just anyone. Battered Women’s Syndrome has only ruled in favor of white women. Black women who kill their abusers are typically served for a … Read more