Op-Ed How COVID-19 has affected femicide in Latin America

      Imagine walking down the street and being brutally assaulted, you ask your perpetrator why they are attacking you and they simply say, “because you’re a woman” then he kills you. In Latin America, this is a scenario that every woman fear will happen if she leaves the house. Femicide is described as … Read more

OP-ED 11/8/2021

Female Genital Mutilation During COVID-19 By: Caison Bates In a world plagued by COVID-19, the fears involve social isolation, quarantining, or even hospitalization, but never was it thought that this pandemic would put an increasing number of young girls at risk for female genital mutilation (FGM). Due to COVID-19 related school closures, European experts estimated that … Read more

Violence against Indigenous women

Indigenous women experience a lot of terrifying dangers, often for no reason other than their race and culture. Currently 4 out of 5 American Indian and Alaska Native women have experiences abuse and 1 out of 2 have experienced sexual abuse. Domestic violence rates are up to ten times higher for the Alaskan native women … Read more

Violence in foster care system

I chose to write this post on the violence in the foster care system since my research paper will be on that. Violence in the foster care system is something that is very well known but most everyone, but it’s something that’s always overlooked. Children of all ages experience mental, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse … Read more

Former Liberty U official claims he was fired for raising concerns about sexual assault cases

https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/25/liberty-university-fired-sexual-assault-517105 This article details former Liberty U official Scott Lamb’s claims that he was fired after reporting the mishandling of cases under Title IX. If these claims are true, which they likely are, it is highly disappointing and a slap in the face to sexual assault survivors. Often people who are sexually assaulted on campus feel … Read more