Equal Pay? Not yet, no time soon…especially for teen girls.

This snarky article rips the GOP in several states for passing legislation which further widens the pay gap for women, or rather, girls. Safety and education apparently aren’t on the menu for working teens in these Republican states either. http://www.womensenews.org/story/equal-payfair-wage/110411/gops-attack-child-labor-threatens-our-daughters -Lenna

Contraceptive Use Among Religious Women

This fascinating little article addresses a new study published by the Guttmacher Institute on contraceptive use amongst religious women.  The Guttmacher study found that there is little to no difference among contraceptive practices between religious and non-religious women.  The article suggests that the results from this study will have implications in United States health care  policy, … Read more

HIV in Women: Focus on Kenya

By Jennifer O’Neill In 2009, it was estimated that 33.3 million people were living with HIV or AIDS worldwide; of those, 22.5 million can be found in Sub-Saharan Africa.  In Kenya, 1.5 million adults and children are living with HIV or AIDS.  760,000 of those affected are women aged 15 and older.  With this disease … Read more

France’s Elections

Sarkhozy pushed the ban on the burka/niqab, now his opponent says that he will criminalize men who pay for sex–women’s bodies are all over French politics: http://www.france24.com/en/20110414-france-may-criminalise-men-who-pay-for-sex-dominique-villepin-french-sleep%20-most-oecd-cannes  M Russell

A Broader Way

My favorite Broadway performer, Idina Menzel,  has created a summer camp for underprivileged females in the New York area.  This camp will give them an opportunity that they normally would not have, to perform and learn about musical theater.  The camp sounds awesome and a wonderful chance for some lucky young women.  Here is the … Read more

Clinic gives Nigerian women new lives

http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/africa/nigeria/110325/clinic-fistula-women This article provides a good overview of the social ostracism women with fistulas face and the various factors that contribute to their existence: poor obstetric care, cultural factors such as early marriages and the subordinate status of women: “Rural women remain second-class citizens,” the article says.  It goes on to describe the surgical options … Read more

Hey guys, I came across an interesting video about the “stained glass ceiling” that women face in the Catholic church.  These women explain that despite formal credentials (theological training, special recognition from seminary professors, etc.), they cannot become fully ordained ministers because of traditional rules.  They mention that they feel called to fulfill theological leadership … Read more

Debate about the Veil Ban in France between an Imam and Protester

This link gives a detailed description about the rhetoric surrounding the banning of the veil in France from the perspective of a female protester and a French Imam.  The female protester believes that women should have the right to express their personal identity in what they wear; whereas, the Imam protests that the veil is … Read more