Sexual violence and Men: Why is it so unheard of?

In the reading “Sexual Violence Against Men and Women In War: A Masculinities Approach” by Valorie K. Vojdik, I was very fascinated with page 932 which discuses the fact that homosexuality is a crime in 70 states (at the time written, 69 as of 2021), which in turn makes men less likely to report accounts … Read more

Nevada animal shelter helps domestic-violence survivors stay united with their pets – Blog Post 4

Link: I thought to share a little bit of a happier post since we talk about a lot of hard/heavy subjects in this class. A nonprofit organization called “Noah’s Animal House’s” works with a neighboring women’s shelter in order to make sure that domestic abuse survivors can still have their pets upon escaping their abusers … Read more

Fundraiser Held for Human Trafficking Survivors

The Formation Project is holding a fundraiser on October 30th to benefit survivors of human trafficking. The event is taking place in North Charleston, SC. In April, the South Carolina Attorney General’s Office reported 180 cases of human trafficking were reported in the last year. The Formation Project offers survivors an opportunity to build connection … Read more

The Sandra Bland Story: Expanding on Black Femicide As of recently, Breonna Taylor is one of the many women, black women, that have been wrongfully murdered in the spread of police brutality. They are all taunting stories to hear about these black women dying in vain because they may “match the description” of someone that they are looking for. One woman that … Read more

Male Sexual Violence Statistics

In class today, we talked about how sexual violence against men in war and it made me want to do more digging sexual violence against men in general. Here are some statistics as of Jan 2021. Approximately 16% of males in juvenile prison have been sexually abused In Florida alone, a staggering total of 1,477,000 … Read more

Black Femicide in the United States

Article Link: This article discusses the issue of Black women and girls being killed at an increasing rate in the United States. It was noted that according to statistics released by the FBI, that approximately four black women and girls are murdered each day in the United States. It was also reported that there … Read more

Blog Post on “Prosecutors recommend probation for Breonna Taylor’s ex-boyfriend”

This article is about how prosecutors are recommending 8 years of probation for Jamarcus Glover, the ex-boyfriend of Breonna Taylor, upon him pleading guilty. Also, Glover’s items that were confiscated by police must remain in police care and he can move out of state as covered in the plea deal. Glover and his partner, Adrian … Read more

Blog Entry Monday oct 25th

The article I choose for this blog is This article talks about the rise in gender based violence issues for women , since covid 19 has swept the nation and continues to thrive. They refer to the issue as a a “shadow pandemic.” AS a way to refer to this issue as being a … Read more

The harassment women face in the gaming

Society has always had problem with its mistreatment of women. And this problem is especially exemplified in spaces that are primarily seen as male dominated. Gaming is one such male dominated space where women are constantly being abused fro no other reason than the fact that they are female. This article that I’ve found states … Read more

Blog Post 10/25/21

Dr. Pearce invited us to share articles that touched on the topics that we chose for our final paper, so the article that I will be discussing today relates to sexual abuse within the Catholic church. In June of this year, it was announced that from 1950 to the present day, French Catholic Clergymen had … Read more