Immigrant Women Medically Abused In Private U.S. Prisons

Article Link:   In the article “No Justice, No Freedom: Medical Abuse in Private Prisons”, the author talks about how it has been a year since some of the victims of medical abuse in U.S. private prisons have spoke out about how doctors preformed gynecological procedures on them without knowing what exactly they were doing. … Read more

Russian Authorities Check Allegations of Prison Torture and Rape

Russian authorities look into video footage leaked on In the video there were four men. A prisoner and 3 officials and someone recording. With such graphic video/ images prisoners were raped on video recording. Five Russian prison officials were fired and authorities opened many criminal investigations into alleged torture and sexual assaults at a … Read more

The Shadow Pandemic of Addiction

We’ve heard the term “shadow pandemic” apply to many co-occurring ongoing adverse events during the COVID-19 pandemic since lockdown began in winter/spring of 2020. This term has been applied to rising rates of domestic violence, depression, suicide (especially in young teen girls), anxiety, insomnia, and other mental health issues, and the silent killer of addiction. During … Read more

What Is the Male Gaze?

Have you ever heard of “the male gaze”? This is phrase is used to describe a situation where something is seen the the eyes of a man, in a way that either objectifies or devalues a woman or their actions. The male gaze is a newly popularized phrase that shows us a warped view on … Read more

One year of lockdown: Women reveal uniquely devastating ways pandemic has ravaged their lives

Link: This article talks about the issues that women dealt with during, and right after of, the pandemic. I think it sad to see that one of the main things brought up was unplanned pregnancies and a large increase in domestic abuse. It also talks about how women were more likely to lose their jobs … Read more

Fanshawe College students and faculty rally in wake of sexually violent, threatening online posts

On September 20th 2021, 70 students and faculty members gathered and took a stand against sexual and gender based violence on their campus. A couple days later thousands students at Western University walked out of class in protest of “Culture of misogyny” on campus. Fanshawe held a rally that was way smaller in London, Ontario. … Read more

Cases of Missing Indigenous Women

This article discusses the fact that at least 710 (mostly female) indigenous people were reported missing in Wyoming from 2011-2020. It also talks about the Gabby Petito case and how the news media and people on social media responded to the case. The difference in the response when an Indigenous woman is missing compared to … Read more