Disney is Getting Sued

A judge has allowed for 9000 women to sue Disney for pay disparity. The plaintiffs say that Disney did not uphold California’s Equal Pay Act and discriminated against women. “Disney says that you can’t compare jobs over multiple sectors because it depends on the manager” (Maddus). This can be seen as a cop-out because the … Read more

OP-ED A Critical Look at Intimate Partner Violence

While the paper talked about what exact gender-based violence is, this op-ed is going to talk about my options in detail in this paper. The first thing that needs to happen is that it needs to be talked about more. And it needs to be talked about in layman’s terms to younger audiences. I think … Read more

New Policy for Gender-Based Crimes

There is a new policy in the ICC for gender-based crimes. This is supposed to help victims who didn’t have any way of prosecuting these people before. The new policy was implemented on December 4 of this year. It was presented at a yearly meeting at the International Criminal Court of Assembly States. “This policy … Read more

Gender Budgeting in Ecuador

A researcher did a gender budgeting study in Ecuador. He did this in Ecuador to see how gender budgeting has been working there. The article talks about how gender budgeting has been spread exponentially, especially in Latin America. In Latin America, it has been 18 countries that have implemented some gender budgeting in their country. … Read more

UK Court Blocked Transgender Bill

This article talks about how judges in the UK government are allowed to block Scotland or gender ID reforms. “In Scotland, the government let people legally change their recognized sex last year.” (Sim) But the UK government says it would impact equality. The people who voted against the Scottish bill say it will harm the … Read more

Substantive Blog Post relating to Final Paper No. 4: Exploring the Role of Machismo in Perpetuating Gender Inequality

My final paper is centered on the high rates of femicide in Mexico and the feminist mobilizations that have developed in response. It is important to acknowledge how gender inequality is strongly correlated with gender-based violence to grasp the mechanisms that have fostered such conditions. Throughout history, a number of factors have contributed to the culture of … Read more

Substantive Post #3: Global Media and #MeToo

Starkey et. al (2019) conduct this study to figure out how “silence breakers” occur in media in different nations – the United States, Japan, Australia, and India – and what other frames are used in regards to silence breakers. Silence breakers is a term that came from a Time Magazine issue, talking about those who … Read more

Substantive Post #2: #MeToo Global Content Analysis

At the beginning of the semester, my paper was more focused on gendered differences in policing of protests. However, my paper topic has switched to focusing on conducting a comparative analysis on women in the workplace in the United States and Sweden, how gendered workplace mistreatment affects women’s health, and the cultural receptivity of the … Read more

Weekly post #8: How Climate Change Impacts Gender Inequality

In this article, CNN explores the relationship between climate change and inequality, explaining that climate change exacerbates societal issues, including gender inequality. They explore girl’s education in Nigeria, food insecurity in Brazil, human trafficking in the Philippines, maternal health in Pakistan, migration in Guatemala, child marriage in Bangladesh, and gender-based violence in Kenya.  In Nigeria, … Read more

Weekly post #7: Russia bans LGBTQ+ activism and raids venues

Last week, Russia’s supreme court banned LGBTQ+ activism, labeling it an extremist movement. A few days after the news broke, Russian police started raiding LGBTQ+ venues, claiming that it was a drug raid. During these raids, the police checked and took pictures of those they found in these clubs. There have been many LGBTQ+ venues … Read more