Blog post on “Simone Biles to testify before Senate about Larry Nassar”

The former USA Gymnastics doctor & osteopathic physician, Larry Nassar, has been accused of sexually assaulting multiple women. These include Mckayla Maroney, Simone Biles, Maggie Nichols, and Aly Raisman (as pictured below). These women will be speaking at the Sept 15th hearing. This case is about how the FBI handled the investigation into Larry Nassar. … Read more

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual Harassment and Assault at Work: Understanding the Costs Too many times sexual harassment has been a major problem within not only this century but even before it was actually talked about women were suffering. In the workplace sexual harassment is often just looked at and not taken seriously as if it is the “norm” … Read more

The Male Gaze

According to the article, What is the Male Gaze, the male gazed is described as ” a way of portraying and looking at women that empowers men while sexualizing and diminishing women”. It also states that “while we are driven to look at and evaluate each other as potential mates, the male gaze twists this natural urge, … Read more

So what’s with the Shadow Pandemic?

As lock-down mandates began to take effect across the globe due to the COVID-19 pandemic another pandemic followed. The Shadow Pandemic refers to the increased reports of domestic abuses cases against women and children after the COVID-19 took the world by storm. The UN Women created the Shadow Pandemic Campaign on May 27th 2020 during … Read more

The Fight for Women’s Rights!

This article discusses how many women in Afghanistan are unsure of their future now that the U.S military has left, and the Taliban is back in power. There have been many protests since the United States has left Afghanistan concerning women’s rights. When the Taliban was in control many years ago, they were under Islamic … Read more

SOCI 3000 Blog Post One

EU threatens to withhold funds over LBGTQ “free zones” in Poland Link: The LGBTQ+ community has seen a lot of discrimination recently in Poland. So much that the European Union has threatened to withhold crucial funding from Poland. Poland is a Catholic-based country and the ideals of the Catholic church affect almost every aspect of … Read more

Gender Based Violence In Schools After Pandemic

Gender based violence has always been an issue in schools, but after the pandemic it increased tremendously, specifically for females. According to the article, A Whole School Approach to Preventing And responding to SRGBV, school related gender based violence includes “sexual, physical, psychological and economic violence occurring in and around schools as a result of gender norms … Read more

Time’s Up for Time’s Up?

Time’s Up is an awareness, action, and advocacy group originally founded by over 300 women in 2017 (founding members linked here: dedicated to fighting sexual harassment and related abuses of power in the entertainment industry. In 2018, they launched the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund, under the National Women’s Law Center (linked here: … Read more

Gender Based Violence on College Campuses

Sexual Assault on college campuses is not a new topic for many undergraduate students to hear about. Going into college you were always told to be careful and look out for yourself and your friends because of what can happen in college. Studies show that among many undergraduate students, 26.4% of females and 6.8% of males … Read more

Sexual Assault on College Campus

On a daily basis, a majority of people experience sexual harassment on college campuses. According to a survey (AAU 2019) there is a 13% rate of sexual contact at colleges that did not allow consent. Women are affected terribly by this, due to it being a higher number of women assaulted than men on campus. The … Read more