Greek Life & Sexual Assault   For my article of choice, I wanted to tackle the ever growing opinion of sexual assaults’ on campus by Greek life. Cady outlines their article by stating “there are over 1,500 sororities and fraternities in the nation” and follows this by juxtaposing the “sunny disposition” they are often granted with. When Cady provides … Read more

American and Canadian Youth: Victims of Sex Trafficking

Link to Article: I chose the article, Recruitment and Entrapment Pathways of Minors into Sex Trafficking in Canada and the United States: A Systematic Review by Kyla Baird and Jennifer Connolly, because I feel like it discusses issues related to this course. The article examines how traffickers lure our youth into sex trafficking, and analyzes the … Read more

Afghan Women Beaten For Speaking Out

Recently the Taliban has announced their interim cabinet of ministers, whose role is to help decision making and governing. When making these selections we would like to think that the population and group that’s being governed as a whole, would be represented unbiasedly and according. Unfortunately, this is not the case for citizens under their … Read more

Seuxal Harrasment in the Workplace

I think sexual harrasment is a huge topic today. Im honestly glad that social media is an outlet where people can talk about things and bring problems to the surface. Most of the offenses occur when the male has the dominance or the power over the other individual. Its less likely that a women will … Read more

SOCI 3000 (9/06/2021)

An article that I think covers a topic that we have been going over in class this week is “Larry Elder disclosed sexual harassment allegations on 2011 radio show, but implied one woman was too ugly for it to be true” – This article covers the topic of celebrities/high classifying people in our government being … Read more

Pronatalism Strips Autonomy from Women

By Chelsea Silvia In Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, shadowy female figures glide silently through the streets and the bedrooms. In the Republic of Gilead, their destinies were defined by their reproductive parts, with the handmaids’ only task being to bear children for the wives of the Commanders. Handmaids endure a violent re-education process … Read more

Human Trafficking and Criminal Justice

By Victoria Sluder Sold, captured, and scammed. These are the methods by which men, women, and children are trafficked every year. In recent years, women and children are the primary targets for trafficking of all kinds due to poverty, unstable political climates, and errors in the criminal justice system. There are protocols put in place … Read more