Racism in the Criminal Justice System

Racism within the criminal justice system has been controversial throughout history. This system has become race-based, targeting minorities and punishing them more aggressively than white people. “A recent report by the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights entitled shows that racial disparities may have increased rather than subsided over the past few years. The report concludes … Read more

The Senselessness of Women Earning Less

Article: Posted on April 10 2018 Link: https://womensenews.org/2018/04/the-senselessness-of-women-earning-less/ Although this article does not have a story about violence in a workplace, or violence against women, I do think it brings up a point that is often times missed. Even if the violence throughout the workplace isn’t physical does not mean it doesn’t matter. Specifically, this article … Read more

Convicted Child Molester Set to be Drafted by MLB

https://portlandtribune.com/pt/12-sports/385703-274945-penalties-paid-heimlich-ready-to-return-for-beavers-baseball   Luke Heimlich, a top prospect in this year’s Major League baseball draft, has a dark past.  At the age of 16, he pled guilty to molesting his 6 year old niece.  Heimlich has since completed his sentence of probation and counseling, but his sealed record went public in 2017 as a result of him … Read more

Black Men in America

We all know about what happened to Bill Cosby, but another actor by the name “Morgan Freeman,” was just accused for sexual harassment. The women accusing Freeman said that she was on the set of a movie Freeman was doing in 2015 called “Going in Style.” She said that Freeman would rub her back, and … Read more

Blog post #3 13 Reasons why-> Season 2, why?

My blog today is going to be about the famous Netflix original called “13 reasons why”. This review article was written by Maria Sherman on last Friday. The new season was just released in May and it has critics talking about it all over again. This show gives real life examples of suicide, bullying, and … Read more

Vegetables Could Kill You

http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2018/06/e-coli-claims-4-more-lives-romaine-growers-promise-changes/#.WxW-2ZMrKu4   When I recently with to Tropical Smoothie I saw a sign that stated they stopped selling romaine salads due to recent e.coli breakouts. I thought they were being proactive and wanted to stop selling romaine lettuce before things got bad, I underestimated the numbers drastically. Approximately 200 people have been infected with e.coli, … Read more

The Origin of the “Black People Can’t Swim” Stereotype.

Black people still can’t swim: Reflections on the McKinney, TX pool incident 3 summers later The article above touches on a subject I have found myself expounding on this summer. A teammate of mine lives on the tar river and had the squad over to ride on his family’s – LARGE- boat. Of course, I … Read more

“Men Only” Jobs posts in China

http://www.businessinsider.com/job-ads-discriminate-against-women-in-china-2018-4?r=UK&IR=T   A common problem surfacing in China has been discrimination against women through job posts. This could be a woman’s height, size, facial features etc. In addition, China allows employers to specify if they want males or not. This does not mean jobs that are considered “too hard” for women, but rather any job. … Read more

Roseanne is CANCELED

http://money.cnn.com/2018/05/29/media/abc-disney-roseanne-barr/index.html As we all know, Roseanne Barr has issued a tweet in regard to Valerie Jarrett in which she compared her to an ape. From what I gathered in the articles that I have read that Roseanne has always been racist. ABC cancelled Roseanne which lead people to ask how they got back in business … Read more

YouTube Currently Runnung “Anti-LGBT” Ads

Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/meganhills1/2018/06/04/youtube-anti-lgbt-ads/#392742d64f73 Overview: YouTube has been the surface of LGBTQ members and creators, however it has been recently accused by the users themselves that are anti-LGBTQ brands against creator content. There are screenshots going around of one ad by Alliance Defending Freedom that is now circulating around Twitter causing the awareness. Opinion: I personally have … Read more