Uber shooting

Uber is getting a bad reputation now-a-days. There has been issues with Uber in the news recently. One, that our fellow classmates has covered, with passengers of the ride getting sexually assaulted by their Uber driver. Well, this story occurred where a shooting occurred by the Uber driver that shot and killed his passenger. Apparently, … Read more

Gender-Based Violence in South Africa

Source: https://theconversation.com/gender-based-violence-in-south-africa-whats-missing-and-how-to-fix-it-78352 Overview: Gender-based violence is awful in South Africa. When it’s reported it’s very brutal and shocking, but it lacks contextual analysis. This lack of contextual analysis leads to consequences such as the normalization of gender-based violence and the descriptions are created in “popular reporting”, which doesn’t help society figure out a correct way with … Read more

Gender-Based Violence Prevention in the Classroom

https://theconversation.com/gender-based-violence-prevention-in-the-classroom-is-just-a-start-46515 Opinion: One of the questions raised in this article was, “How far can such classroom lessons go in ending violence against women?” I feel both optimistic and pessimistic about bringing gender-based violence prevention into schools and here’s why… Most of us participated in D.A.R.E., right? Well, how many of us actually stuck with the … Read more

Blog #2- USC ignoring assaults on women by their Gynecologists?

This article was published Karma Allen on the ABC news website. It’s title giving a insight to something that I never thought could happen: “Former USC gynecologist may have assaulted as many as 52 women”. Allen noted that the assaults happened on USC campus and occurred for over three decades before anything happened to stop it. … Read more

Risk of assault at the border

Article: https://sites.ecu.edu/genderpoliticsculture/wp-admin/post-new.php Overview: Every year many migrants will attempt to cross the Mexico-American border coming from Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala etc. Many face the risk of sexual assault and rape because they are out numbered by men on the journey. Many take this journey because of fear of violence back home. Many women do … Read more

Can women freely report sexual assault violence?

  http://money.cnn.com/2018/05/30/technology/uber-proposed-class-action-driver-abuse/index.html   Uber is a very useful app and the service it provides is undeniably beneficial. The company has grown over the years and a majority of my peers have used the app one time or another. Recently the company has made headlines for numerous claims of sexual assault committed by drivers. The rising claims … Read more

Feminism has come a long way- or has it?

https://www.thenation.com/article/feminism-has-come-long-way-or-has-it/  This article gives an overview of feminist movements over the past century. Women have come a long way in their fight for equality but without achieving full access to legal abortion, comprehensive childcare or equal pay, we cannot overcome these issues from decades ago. After reading the article, what is your opinion on some … Read more

Title IX should be an effective tool in the fight against school violence

http://www.kansascity.com/opinion/readers-opinion/guest-commentary/article211824529.html   I know that piece is almost like an advertisement requesting support of Title IX, but I feel as though it hits on an interesting point: the importance of addressing violence against women at an early age. As I have expressed before, my thoughts on the need of society to reevaluate how children are … Read more

Incel: Movement to promote violence against women

https://thinkprogress.org/inside-the-incel-movement-inspiring-mass-violence-against-women-99e192a61ae9/   For the past couple of years, there has been a hate group called incel that promotes violence against women. The incel group started on various forms such as 4chan, reddit, etc. to increase awareness that women should give them sex. This group can be of any age range, as long as their males and … Read more

Former USC Gynecologist Assaults Possibly 52 Women

Article: https://abcnews.go.com/US/usc-gynecologist-assaulted-52-women-police/story?id=55524852 Overview: About 52 women have come forward saying that a former gynecologist for the University of Southern California sexually abused them. The whole investigation now spans for more than three decades from the first recorded assault. To take action, about six of the women have sued the university itself for hiring a man … Read more