Veganism does not mean cruelty free I found these article which I found to be pretty interesting. The article talks about the misconception that being vegan means that you are living cruelty-free. The author explains how even though vegans are not consuming animal product the foods that they are consuming comes from overworked workers which means that there is a … Read more

Save Net Neutrality

This effects all people in the U.S. Men, women, students, young and old. Net neutrality keeps the internet free and open — enabling anyone to share and access information of their choosing without interference. Meaning rates may change for internet access and  information will be controlled, silencing free thought. The battle is not lost yet. The … Read more

Child Marriage isn’t just a third world problem

I came across this video and it made me shiver. The fact that this is happening right here and the average joe knows nothing about it shocks and appalls me. Children cannot consent,this is a practice that needs dealt with.

Barriers Facing Women Running for Public Office and The Impact of Gender Quotas

Ellie Waibel             Women make up about half of the world’s population, yet only make up about 23% of political participation globally. All over the world, the voices of women are being shut out and systematically ignored. In order to be an advocate for voiceless populations, we desperately need women in politics. However, this is … Read more

Op-Ed #2- The Vagina Monologues

The Vagina Monologues is an episodic play that centers around women and their personal experiences with their vaginas. The play was created by Eve Ensler after she interviewed 200 women in 1995. Since 1998, it has been re-created annually on or around Valentine’s Day to raise awareness of gender-based violence, a day that has been … Read more

Child Marriage in Bangladesh: An Ongoing Issue

by Rubia Medina             Imagine being a fifteen-year-old girl being forced to marry a thirty-two-year-old man because it is what is “best” for you. This is the reality many girls like Nasoin Akhter face on a daily basis in Bangladesh. During the wedding, brides are expected to be both shy and coy even if they … Read more

“I don’t know how women can vote for Trump” – Barbara Bush

With the recent death of Barbara Bush, I am reminded of her interview with CBS regarding her feelings on Donald Trump. When she was asked what she thought about Donald Trump being the Republican candidate while calling Mexican’s Rapists, she responded, “yes and what about what he is doing to women?” She continues to remark … Read more

Everyone has a Right to an Equal Education Regardless of Sex!

Christy Vang             Why is it important that Saudi women should have the right and access to education? According to religious and conservative views, women’s primary duties are being mothers, nurturers, and teachers. However, progressively, women’s duties are more than just that. They help society succeed by preparing future leaders and engaging in the economy … Read more

International Labor Rights Forum

With our focus on the maquiladoras and labor rights violations/exploitation, I thought I would share some information about the International Labor Rights Forum. They work globally to create safe and fair conditions for workers. ILRF has a newsletter they send out and it often contains petitions that you can sign as well as other ways … Read more