Human trafficking in our own detention centers?

As immigration enforcement has risen, it has enriched the private prison industry, including corporations such as GEO. What are the legal and ethical responsibilities of these institutions? Are they skirting rights protections of detainees because these are not government-run? Are they doing so because detainees are primarily undocumented? This article exposes a detention center in … Read more

The first person on Mars ‘should be a woman’

It is no surprise that women are the minority at NASA. Women are a minority in the STEM fields in general. A recent BBC article interviewed women at NASA and got their perspectives on what role they wanted women to play as NASA moves forward. Overwhelmingly, these women wanted the first astronaut on Mars to be … Read more

Women in Rwanda

BuzzFeed recently featured a segment on photographs taken by an Italian photographer in Rwanda that illustrated the positive impact that women are having on the development of Rwanda after the genocide. According to the segment, 64% of the Rwandan parliament is female. We discussed in class how the quota system mandates a 30% minimum, so … Read more

Janet Mock-A young trans woman who is thriving in the world

This is a wonderful life synopsis of Janet Mock, born as Charles, who finds herself living the life she dreamed despite living in a discriminatory world. I love this story especially because Janet is able to boast her success as a black trans woman who had so much against her but she beat the system … Read more

Lack of Access to Feminine Hygiene Products: A Global Issue for Women

                       Rosalinda Kowalczewski                    Imagine that time of month coming around, but you do not have any hygiene products to use. Females across the world are shunned and stigmatized about a monthly visit that they cannot control. Imagine young girls budding into … Read more

Coming to Theaters Near You….

The Notorious RBG is getting a film! On May 4th, a film about the life of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg will be hitting the screen. In many ways, she has changed the course of history by dissenting in major cases. Watch the trailer below to get a sneak peak at the life of RBG. Anyone … Read more

Reese Witherspoon’s Abusive Relationship That Changed Her

Many of you may have seen the HBO show Big Little Lies. This show weaves a dark murder in Monterey, California. Amidst doting moms, successful husbands, beautiful children, and stunning homes exists a community fueled by rumors. Reese Witherspoon is one of the lead actors and she participated in this series because she was in … Read more

A Workplace Made for Women This Article written by the Atlantic discusses a lack of female architects in a world that has an increasingly larger amount of women in the workplace. The article tells us that “as women—likelier than those of previous generations to have attended college, and to take on white-collar jobs—are filling a rising share of seats … Read more

Op Ed 2

In the second short paper for this course I wrote about the two Ted talks done by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Each talk that she gave was extremely powerful in the message that they gave, one challenging the nature of the worlds tendency to only tell a story from a single point of view, the other … Read more

HIV Status and Dating Apps

Article HIV Status and Dating Apps I personally do not have any experience using popular dating apps like Tinder or Grindr. However, I have many friends who utilize these services. Grindr, a popular dating platform for those seeking same-sex relationships, has come under fire about their use of personal information. An optional question on Grindr … Read more