Op-Ed on Short Paper #2-Gender Inequality

Op-Ed on Short Paper #2-Gender Inequality From birth, children are socialized to fill gender roles that have become normalized in society. Girls play with dolls and wear pink, boys wear blue while playing with their trucks, warrior figurines, and swords. When children dare to veer outside of these expected behaviors, parents scold and friends torment. … Read more

Op-Ed 2

Gender Roles are not something new to society. These stereotypes have been passed down to each generation to further perpetuate. They affect how each gender interacts with one another and also affect how each gender carries themselves. Why are certain traits associated with a specific gender? Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Ted Talk called “We Should All … Read more

The Influence of Culture in Gender Inequality-Op Ed 2

By Monica Calderon Along with political and economic interests, culture has been one of the main factors that have historically influenced the law and deepened gender inequality. In different societies the defense of cultural traditions has prevented women from having the same rights as men and in most cases cultural and religious values prevail over … Read more

What Islam says about Women

“Why are we all equal in they eyes of god and not equal in the eyes of men?”- Alaa Murabit This TED talk is about how the culture and the actual text differ from the true message of the Quran. It is interesting to point out that many people outside of Islam also don’t have any … Read more

R. Kelly: Sex, Girls and Videotapes…and Non-State Torture?

As reported in this article, singer R. Kelly – no stranger to these allegations – has most recently been accused of sexually abusing a girl since she was 14 years old. In a new documentary, several women reveal the mental, verbal, physical, and emotional abuse they suffered at his hands, including: Slapping, choking, and spitting … Read more

Is there gender discrimination in a women-only club?

Last year The Wing-a social club whose members are only women- opened its doors in Manhattan. This club was conceived as a safe space for women to work, network, nosh, primp and talk politics. Now, the New York City Commission on Human Rights started an investigation against the club for possible discrimination violations. The arguments of the commission … Read more

pack mentality & gargantuan egos

This is a topic that I have been very interested in lately. The pack mentality of men in sports groups, fraternities and business is what I believe contributes largely to the sexual abuse that society experiences. I especially relate because I have seen and heard people in these groups talk about women in this way. … Read more

“Leotards are NOT the problem”

For those of you who are familiar with the Olympic gymnasts and the scandal with Larry Nassar, who was a trainer for the team Aly Raisman was a part of- Raisman was a victim of sexual abuse, along with her other teammates. She has since been campaigning about victim shaming and sexual abuse, her campaign … Read more

Op-Ed 2

Why is the word “male” associated with strength and power? Why is the word “female” associated with sensitivity and submission? It is time for us to reconstruct our social norms and make a change. Chimamanda’s Ted talk portrays a powerful message related to raising young boys and girls in the future. She explains that we … Read more

Substantive Blog Post

EmbodyingDeficiency In this Article “Embodying Deficiency Through ‘Affective Practice’: Shame, Relationality, and the Lived Experience of Social Class and Gender in Higher Education” written in 2016, the author, Vik Loveday, details the feeling of Shame and how it is felt by those who are female and of a different social class than their peers in Higher Education in England. While … Read more