Book of the Month!

Your child may have received “Ten Thank-You Letters” by Daniel Kirk in the mail this month!

In this story, Pig is trying to finish a thank-you note to his grandmother, but his best friend Rabbit keeps interrupting him to borrow supplies for his own notes. This story shows how two different personalities work together to end up thanking all of the special people in their lives.

Curl up with your child and read the book together for the first reading. The next time, try one of these suggestions:

Starting Up: Read the title aloud. Count the envelopes with your child to see if it matches the number in the title.

While Reading: Point out that Pig does not get angry when Rabbit interrupts him. He helps his friend by giving him supplies and ideas for his letter.

Learning on the Go: Write a thank-you note to a family member or friend together. Put it in the mailbox or go to the post office together.

Most importantly, have fun and enjoy sharing the story with your child!