Book of the Month!

Your child may have received “Owl Moon” by Jane Yolen in the mail this month.

This gentle and poetic story is about the companionship of a child and her father and the relationship between humans and nature. The girl and her father quietly walk along looking for an owl in the woods. They don’t need words to find an owl, they just need hope.

Try reading this story with your child one night before bed. The next time, try some of these suggestions or suggestions in the back of the book.

Starting Up: Look at the cover with your child. Point to the moon and the soft blue colors. Ask you child if they think it is day or night.

Reading the Story: As you read, make the howling sounds of the dog or the hooting owl noises. Have your child make them with you!

After the Story:  Ask your child questions about the story. Was it hard or easy for the girl to stay quiet? How can you tell?