A Message of Encouragement

We recently talked with Sarah and Ron Mitchelson, literacy advocates and staunch supporters of Imagination Library.  Sarah is a retired Pitt County Schools teacher and Ron is the Interim Chancellor at ECU. Below is their message of encouragement to the community, featured in our most recent newsletter for Imagination Library families. “A few years ago we … Read more

Sadie Saulter Parent Workshops 2020: At home book reading

This winter our team went out to Sadie Saulter to provide reading tools for parents. The families in attendance were a mix of those that had been receiving Imagination Library books, had not, and other families whose children had already aged out of the program. These workshops have been found to be very helpful for … Read more

Help Your Child Become a Reader

Your child is learning to read, which is an exciting time for both you and your child! Most parents have questions about how to help their child become a reader. “Helping Your Child Become a Reader” is a booklet that addresses some common questions and concerns parents have when their child is learning to read … Read more

ILKIS Project Receives Grant from Phi Kappa Phi

The Imagination Library Kindergarten Impact Study (ILKIS) was recently awarded a 2018 Literacy Grant from The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. The ILKIS project was selected as one of thirteen projects across the United States to receive $2500 in funding to support literacy initiatives. Grant recipients were chosen based on the project scope, involvement … Read more

New Publication by the ILKIS Team!

This week, Drs. Anderson, Atkinson, and Swaggerty had a manuscript related to the ILKIS project accepted for publication. The article is titled “Exploring the Short-term Impacts of a Community-based Book Distribution Program” and will be published in the Literacy Research and Instruction. The article shares findings from the first year of the ILKIS study, describes our project … Read more