11 thoughts on “Korean Culture – College Life”

  1. I’ve imagined that schools ( universities ) in Korea are very structured. After reading about what they are like I’ve noticed some similarities as well. For example the interest in sports and night life. The age of students that attend a university is about the same as too. I would interested to know what the most popular occupations are in Korea. Is teaching a respected profession and what are the salaries like for teachers.

  2. Because of my busy social life, I cannot enjoy any collage activities except for attending classes. But, through the Kakao Talk group room, I receive messages, and through e-mail, I get assignments, and send my reports. Sometimes, I talk with my professors by phone. Thus, I manage to do both things, social life and college life, without difficulty.

  3. On Monday , graduate school hour dates, I go to the school in a train; I live in a province. In the school, I live my school life, harmonious with other teachers, and keep friendship with them, making up something insufficient each other. I appreciate the school hours instructed by the professor in charge. I can make up for the insufficient theoretical points from their lessons. Sometimes, the professor gives a treat with delicious foods, makes efforts to communicate with students, and takes care of even trivial matters. I enjoy graduate school life, feeling passion for learning.

  4. When I was University student. I really liked to talk with friends. We always study together, homework together. And I joined soccer team in my class. So we played soccer once a week for good college life and relationship. I enjoyed college life more than academic work. And our college has many yearly events.

  5. Students decide their major when they apply to their college. It is possible to change their major, but it is little bit complicated. So almost all students maintain their major and are grouped by major. We also have chance to make friends in club. We help and get help from the students from the same major in aspect of academic working, and enjoy our hobby with the students who met in club.

  6. I think, During undergraduate course, students worry much about finding a job.
    As the grade goes up, they try to obtain a variety kinds of licenses such as teacher’s, computer technicians and also try to have a broad lots of experience for finding a job. so they are not able to much enjoy college life.

  7. I found it interesting that online classes are not found as reputable as in class classes. My entire masters degree has been earned online, and in the US it will not be regarded any different so found a big difference there.
    I love the idea of the 5 sport tournaments going on and the idea of having cheerleaders at every sport. In the US we have cheerleaders for football, and basketball, and can have them for hockey and other sports but they are not as highly regarded.
    I like the idea of not having to think about breakfast or dinner as it would be provided by the owner of the home. I would say even at $2000 it is overall cheaper than the dormitories in the USA and no food is provided, and definitely cheaper than renting an apartment-which can average $550-$1000 per month!

  8. Are you only at school on Mondays? How long until you are finished with your Graduate program? When will you graduate?

  9. Once a kid finishes high school they have many options to pick from on what they want to do but one of those is going to college. College is not mandatory for anyone to go to but is available to everyone who finishes their secondary schooling. There are many colleges within the US and most people live around a college wherever they live. Once into the college of your choice you begin a life that is a transition from adolescent years to the adult life. Most colleges require you to live on their campus dorms which comprise of living in rooms that can usually only fit two and have a bathroom either suite style or just longer style with many showers and toilets. After the first year or two they allow you to live off campus apartments or you can stay on campus in the dorms. This allows an easier transition to living on your own with learning how to budget your money for food you may have to buy, rent, other expenses. This also helps you learn to build relationships with people to live with and eventually learn to cherish them as family and learn to grow and live together. College life also gives opportunities to learn what you want to do for the rest of your life. As a freshman you don’t need to know what you want to do right away and then the college gives opportunities such as career fairs, advisor meetings, interest meeting, and events to help you decide you may want to do. And then even if you do pick a major to pursue and then decide to switch to something else if you want to and then they will help you transition to that degree. Besides education the college life gives the students an experience that only that college town can offer. Every college town is different and unique based on how they were built and the focus that the past generations set before them. Each town offers much more such as a social life, sports events, special events only to that town, and much more. This gives them opportunities to find out what they can continue to do as hobbies, traditions within families, pride, and many more qualities that develop them into the person they want to be.

  10. I think korean college life is normal.
    student can choose the subject they want, take a class and
    they can make friends and participate in club activities.
    somthing interesting in korean college life….
    students in department of physical education or ballet or dance are relationship between senior and freshman are awesome. much more frightening than professor
    I think these are different part s of the college compared to US college life

  11. In Korea, club activities are as important as major life. Because the club has many events and can experience various college cultures.

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