12 thoughts on “Korean Culture – Family”

  1. I get married. We are a family of three, my husband, 14 year daughter, and me.

    My husband, a business person, is faithful to home. He is so conceited as to be credited to others in the business world. Of cause he is a tender father to my daughter. My 14 year daughter, so smart as to get prizes in competitions, likes mathematics very much. She, emotional, has a strong leadership and does her best in carrying out responsibilities she takes charge of. I, as a mother, sometimes, think to get a treasure.

  2. On Monday , graduate school hour dates, I go to the school in a train; I live in a province. In the school, I live my school life, harmonious with other teachers, and keep friendship with them, making up something insufficient each other. I appreciate the school hours instructed by the professor in charge. I can make up for the insufficient theoretical points from their lessons. Sometimes, the professor gives a treat with delicious foods, makes efforts to communicate with students, and takes care of even trivial matters. I enjoy graduate school life, feeling passion for learning.

  3. All members of my family (me, husband, and son) are busy. They go out in the morning, and return home late at night. So, we cannot spend time together. But, on weekend, we eat and talk together, watch television, or sleep longer than usual. Sometimes, we meet family friends. We also enjoy travel and cultural activities.

  4. I’m living with four members of my family. Father, Mother, me and younger brother. We have a happy home every single day. My parents always being so kind for us. And they are working each other in their company. Especially, my brother is in Army for 2 years until November in this year. I hope to spend more time together with my family and travel to Europe.

  5. My family consists of father, mother, and elder sister. My father has been working as a researcher for 25 years. My sister married 4 years ago and is working in Chicago. It is difficult to gather for all members. We get together at least every two years. Thanks to development of communications technology, we are able to keep in touch easily 24/7. Since I have not been to Chicago, I am looking forward to visiting Chicago.

  6. I am an only child and I am living with my parents. My father is businessman and My mother is housewife. I have been growing up in humble family.

  7. I find it interesting that the government is trying to increase the size of families by offering significant monetary benefits. While I would not say that abortions are a “problem” in the US I would say that they are frequent.
    I grew up in a family where my father owned his own commercial photography business, until just a year or more before he passed away, and my mom was employed in a cooperate setting where she worked 50-70 hours a week. My brother and I were in day care, until school and then we went to after-school care every day. She did change jobs where she worked the school schedule when I finished 5th grade. Fortunately when my father passed, I was only 6 months away from getting my drivers license and I was then able to help my mom who now worked about an hour away from where I attended school and where we lived.

  8. My Husband and I both work, we are also raising 2 children. I am working on y Masters and he is working on his Ph.D. I grew up in Iowa, a farming Community. My parents, grandparents, my sister’s and their families all still live in Iowa. We get back to see them a couple times during the year. My husband’s parents are divorced and remarried, so he has a much bigger family due to the divorces and remarriages. He has a full brother, a step brother and a half brother. So family dynamics are different here depending on your family you grew up in. We are all still close talk weekly if not daily sometimes. It is odd for us not to have any family here in the Carolina’s. So we have made some good friends that have become like family to us. we have some older couples from our church that have filled the grandparent roll here and spoil our kids.

  9. The families in the US have many different faces. Most families comprise of the traditional families with one dad and mom and then as many kids as they want. These families would all live under one house and have room to accommodate the needs they want to have in the house. Usually both the mom and dad would be working during the day while the kids are at school while younger years until they graduate high school. But within the recent decades those families have begun to change to create different types of families along with traditional families. Many relationships are interracial now and cross cultures within the relationships. Within the US there is a freedom to be with anyone that you want to be with and share their lives with. There is no restriction on who you can date based on religion, culture, ethnicity or any other demographic background. The trend for gay marriages has also became legal within many states in the united states. The family dynamics within those families changes every generation and changes how the children may grow up within them. And then there are families that only have a single parent resulting from divorce, sudden death, leaving when a child is born and much more. Many of these families live within poverty with the parent having to work two jobs to help with finances and then the kids are affected by having them work when they can and having the mature quicker to help the parent more than being a kid like others may be able to do.

  10. There are 4 people in my family Daddy, mom, older brother and me.
    My father is business and my mother is housewife and My brother live in China now.
    my family likes sports very much such as golf, swimmig, tennis
    And I got married last year.

  11. I got married when I was 5 years ago. I have a daughter.
    My wife is nurse. She works for 10years in the university hospital.
    My family likes to travel. So I traveled once or twice a year.

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