Master’s Degree in English, Concentration in Multicultural and Transnational Literatures Advising Document

On admission to the program, you will be advised initially by Dr. Kirstin Squint. As your research interests begin to focus, you will receive an advisor in your area of interest.

Important Note: As soon as you are admitted, you should begin checking your ECU email account regularly for important communications about registration, program requirements, etc.

Your course of study should include the following considerations: Requirements = Total of 33 hours (s.h. = semester hours)

Core:  ENGL 7005 Bibliography and Methods – 3 s.h.

This course lays the foundation for every other course you will take, so you should take it as early in your course of study as possible. ENGL 7005 should be available in on-campus and DE formats at least once a year.

Electives: (Courses in any English concentration or in another department appropriate to the student’s academic and career goals, selected in consultation with advisor) – 6 s.h.

If you are a campus student with a Teaching Assistantship, you must take ENGL 6625 Teaching Composition for 3 s.h. of your 6 s.h. of non-Concentration electives.

It is recommended that you take either ENGL 7070 Literary Theory or ENGL 7080 Cultural Studies Theory and Method. The study of theory provides conceptual foundations for the way readers approach texts and for the connection between texts and cultures, and it provides a philosophical basis for the way we approach and conceive of our work as scholars.

Other English courses that mesh especially well with the concentration include:

ENGL 6215 American Literature to 1830

ENGL 6515 Advanced Studies in Children’s Literature (race and ethnicity in children’s literature)

ENGL 7630 Cultural Rhetoric and Writing

Electives may also include any course in the English program of particular interest or usefulness to you, or courses in other departments such as History, Psychology, Education, Political Science, Foreign Language and Literatures (except FORL 6000, though it may be used to meet the requirement for reading knowledge of a language other than English) that are especially suited to your research or professional interests, as approved by your MTL advisor and the Graduate Director. FORL 6000 meets the foreign language requirement, but it does not count as part of the required 33 sh. for the MA.

Important Note: For the purposes of financial aid, full-time status is two courses per session during the summer (a very demanding schedule) and three courses during the spring and fall semesters (the maximum recommended).

Concentration: MTL courses selected from – 18 s.h.

Courses include:

The Concentration consists of two threads: Multicultural (usually understood to refer to U.S. ethnic literatures); and Transnational (world literatures from regional, national, international, diasporic, colonial/postcolonial, and global perspectives). ENGL 6340 and ENGL 6360 provide cross-cultural comparative introductions to these two threads, and it is recommended that you take these two courses early in your studies. The ENGL 7350 Seminar weaves the two threads together, again in cross-cultural comparative contexts, and is recommended as a capstone to your course of study (however, it won’t always be possible to take the courses in this order due to scheduling constraints).

Note: Descriptions of courses offered in a given semester will be found on the Departmental web page:

Important Note: Save all papers and assignments (originals and graded copies with instructors’ comments) that you complete in the program. You are likely going to need them for your Thesis or CAP, for recommendation letters, and/or for doctoral program applications.

Comprehensive Assessment 6 s.h.

There are two ways to meet the comprehensive assessment requirement: 1) the Thesis, or 2) the Comprehensive Assessment Project.

The Thesis requires 6 s.h. of ENGL 7000 Thesis. The Thesis involves:

The Comprehensive Assessment Project involves:

Distance Education students are invited (but not required) to come to campus for the Prospectus/Planning Meeting and/or Defense of the Thesis or CAP (or at any stage of their program) for a more personal exchange with faculty.

Important Note: You should put your committee together and have significant work done on your prospectus or CAP plan the semester before the one in which you intend to complete and defend your Thesis or CAP. It is also a very good idea to schedule the Prospectus or Planning Meeting itself the previous semester as well; although it is not required, this plan allows a much more reasonable period of time for completion of your project.

Reading knowledge of a language other than English

Students seeking to demonstrate a reading knowledge of a foreign language will be assessed in one of the following ways:

A. Passing an advanced course in a foreign language (ECU equivalent of 2000-level or above) within five years prior to admission to the graduate school.

B. Passing a 2000-level course at ECU approved by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures in a language approved by the DGS.

C. Passing a graduate-level reading knowledge course offered by the ECU Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (currently FORL 6000). FORL 6000 is offered regularly as a DE course (usually in the Spring) and is the simplest way for DE students to meet this requirement. For further information about this course, see the Catalog.

D. Passing a translation project supervised by a member of the ECU faculty who has been approved by the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS). The project will be a translation of scholarly prose chosen by the student in consultation with the faculty member. The translation should be 2500 words (approximately ten double-spaced pages). The supervising faculty member will notify the DGS in writing of the successful completion of the project.

For additional information, please see the Master of Arts in English and the Graduate Catalog (

If you have questions concerning the admissions process or registration, please contact the Graduate English Office Administrative Assistant, Timothy Putnam (; 252-328-6660) or the Graduate Director, Dr. Brent Henze .

Transfer Credit

If you have taken courses elsewhere that you would like to be considered for transfer credit, after being admitted to the program, consult with your advisor about what courses you would like to be reviewed and whether the courses would be appropriate substitutes for any of the required courses or would be free electives. After consultation with your advisor, forward your request that transfer credits be accepted to the Graduate English Office ( According to ECU policy, only 6 s.h. of transfer credit can be used towards the MA in English. For more information, see the Academic Regulations for Transfer Credits in the ECU Graduate Catalog.